
Name: Jillian "Jill" Lynch
Age: 22
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 171 lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Body Type: Pear-frame. Curvy, shapely, soft
Occupation: Server/Waitress at BottomsUp! Bar and Grill.
Interests: Learning Bass Guitar, House parties, 90's alternative music.
Family: Siblings. Parents, probably.

Get to know me
Any upcoming travel plans?
Nope, not really.
What brought you here?
You mean Bottoms Up? Well I needed a job and the last place I worked closed, so..
When you're not working, how do you like to spend your time?
I always feel so boring when I get asked stuff like this lol. Uhm, I listen to music, play some. Otherwise I watch a lot of
youtube videos and twitch streams - netflix sometimes. I'm a bit of a gamer nerd.
What are you reading currently?
Well, this silly questionnaire, duh.
What’s the first concert you attended?
Ugh, I'd love to say the Smashing Pumpkins but it was Nickelback when I was way younger with my mom lmao.
Where do you most hope to visit?
Realistically for right now? Probably Chicago. Japan and Ireland eventually though.
What’s your favorite book?
I don't read a lot, but I've been reading the game of thrones books lately and they're like, way better than the series!
What's your favorite 90’s show?
Probably that 70's show, ironically, haha.
What's the best Halloween costume you've ever had?
Not to sound basic but I looked fucking snatched in that leather catsuit last Halloween. I was also proud of my Courtney Love in
senior year
What's your dream job?
Musician! That or something related to gaming.
What's your favorite word?
Uhm... I don't know?
What was your first job?
You'll never believe this... a waitress.
What's one thing you're excited about that's coming up in 2018?
How fucking old is this thing? lmfao
What was the worst job you've ever had?
Am I... allowed to say here?
What is your most-used emoji?
I don't use a lot of emoji's, but maybe the laughing-tears one? Or the peach.
If you could win an Olympic medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be?
Filling out stupid questionnaires is probably my shining talent right now.
If you could change your name, what would it be?
My mom wanted to name me Lacey when I was born, but my dad wanted Jill. I like the alliteration though - Lacey Lynch. Still probably
wouldn't change it though.
What movie or TV show title best describes your week?
Probably not original but "Quarantine" (05/02/2020)
What was your favorite subject in school?
Wanna say music but my high school teacher sucked. Probably drama?
What’s your hidden talent?
I can say the entire alphabet backwards without stuttering. That's kinda neat I guess.
If you had to eat one thing for every meal going forward, what would you eat?
Nothing on the menu where I work, lmao. Probably like a sandwich. I feel like you can cheat with a vague answer like that.
If someone were to play you in a movie, who would you want it to be?
Hmm. Maybe like a thick Megan Fox? Not a lot of hollywood actresses' with my kind of curves.
If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, whose would they be? Why?
Can it be anyone? It would be rad if I could have spent a day as Kurt Cobain.
What's one thing your mother/father taught you that completely changed your life?
Well Dad taught me all about 90's music. Mom told me not to be a ho'.
What’s been on your mind lately?
Why my dead-end job has so many missing person's cases lol.
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
I don't remember. Probably a paleontologist or something ridiculous like that.
What’s the last text you sent?
No comment lol.
What's one of your favorite memories?
Getting my tattoo last April!
What's one thing about you that surprises people?
I don't know. Probably when I turn around LOL
Who, or what, was your biggest teacher?
This is vague. I'm not answering.
What was something you've done that made you feel extreme happiness?
That I've done? Probably saving up to buy my first Bass. That or shrooms.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
Metabolism is gonna slow down with a vengeance, so lay off the lunch trips to McD's. Oh, and don't chop your bangs.
If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
Guitar probably.
What does success mean to you?
Want me to grab a dictionary?
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Well one of my customers today told me to "smile, hun!" and that was like, totally inspiring. lmao
Where is your happy place?
My bedroom, preferably with a bowl.
If you could invite 3 people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would they be, and why?
Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan, and probably Gwen Stefani lol. No Doubt era Gwen though. And why do you think?
How can someone win a gold star with you?
Impress me with a decent taste in music. Don't be a snob, though.
What energizes you and brings you excitement?
Energy drinks
What qualities do you value in the people with whom you spend time?
Really? Whom? I don't know. Don't be an ass, don't grab my ass, stuff like that.
For what would you be famous?
Hopefully music. More likely my butt.
What does your dream day look like?
Wake up at noon, game for a few hours, go to a show, get plastered, pass out in my own bed. Fuck yeah.
If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
Probably fucking cry lmao. I love sleep.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
My Chemical Romance... and pumpkin spice latte's.
At what job would you be terrible?
I'm not great with math, honestly. Probably some banking shit.
If you had to choose only 3 adjectives to describe yourself, which would you choose?
Let's see, uh... Thick, pale, uhm... curvy? I hate to be all physical traits but I don't know what else to say lol
What do you give a damn about?
Music, gaming, and apparently overly long boring-ass survey's.
What is a dream you have that you’ve yet to achieve?
Well I had a dream this week that I quit my job and became an astronaut by accident. So that's one I guess.
What's something you say you'll do, but never will?
Twerk. Lol.
What did you have to give up to achieve your current level of success?
My morals lmfao
Has anything ever happened to you that you could not, and cannot, explain?
Nope. Not really into that kinda hokey shit honestly.
Do you ever find there are things about you that people misunderstand? What are they?
Aside from fuckboy's thinking that I'm easy, I think I'm generally pretty easy to get a vibe off of.
For what are you most grateful today?
It's nice out I guess.
If you could have one 'do over' in your life, what would you do differently?
Justin. In that I wouldn't do him at all lol
Of what are you most afraid?
I have a phobia of snakes, actually.
This done now? Ah well, better get back to work then. See ya~!
What's there to know? She's just another sloshing former-employee of the relentless Natalya_Terris.
Jill thought if she worked hard, it wouldn't happen to her.
Jill thought if she talked to the CEO with respect. If she sucked up to her. if she was nice...
Jill thought Miss Natalya only gushed the bitchy, vapid, bimbo employees who deserved it.
Jill should have thought about quitting while she was ahead~
But now, the curvy little condom-filler has been let go
Bye Jilly <3
Another bottom-heavy brat with a fat Ass.