Ah, the red panda. Always being adorable and stuff, they're like raccoons with a sunburn.
Going off that bizarre quote, Jhel does seem more like a raccoon than most red pandas. Often finding himself tied up in situations, both figuratively and literally.
He's currently 22 years old, majoring at some college of sorts in "sociological influences of media". If you asked him what it meant he'd simply shrug. One of the only reasons why he took the class was because the teacher was hot.
At his college of such it seems that he has had quite the way with words, befriending and dating close to every other girl on campus. Even managing to get with several of the teachers, he has a date with the head of the science department next Tuesday. Despite the fact that he has had an extremely large array of women at his choice he's yet to stay with one for more than a week, most of the time he breaks up with them. Sure he has several hundred hate messages carved into the side of his car, and sure he still has bits of mud stuck in his fur after a date with a porcine girl gone bad. However he doesn't seem to notice in the least bit.
Back onto the brief topic of him, he stands at 5'7". Weighing in at a somewhat impressive 167lbs. Those that he have dated claim that he has a bizarre and confusing accent that sounds like a drunken mix of Northern England, and Southern America; still though managing to sound attractive. Sporting his bright mix of colors, he usually wears a similar arsenal of matching clothing. His tail is an impressive 3' and well his other tail well... ask for that and he'll be willing to let you look.
Ever since he first entered high school he has had a fetish of sorts for mouths, teeth especially. This usually results in him trying to edge his way to allowing a girl to bit him, most of the time it results in him getting a slap to the face. However there was a case with a shark one spring break.... but that is another story.
TL;DR Red Panda Playa with a tooth fetish.