Age: 200
Height: 5'9" and verries
Weight: Varies
Bust size: Varies but often at 44 C cup
Hair color: Light blue
Eye color: Sea green
Hair length: Varies
Tail length: usually 10 feet
Bio: Not much is known about Jerellina her self, though what is known never leaves her cave other than the legend around the cave she calls home. In the age of the medieval a old witch hide her most valuable magical items and those she had collected over the many years she was alive away in a cave then sealed it away from the world for both the worlds and her own benefit.
After using a spell to seal and conceal the door the witch would make a guardian from the same spell and a pool of water nearby and thus Jerellina was born. Over the years Jerellina would unknowingly guard the treasure from would be plundered and adventurers seeking fame, glory and wealth. None of which every returned to the surface world again as they all either ran into the traps that had been set by the witch and maintained by Jerellina or they had a run in with Jerellina her self who would take them into her own body for energy and to make her mass grow in size and intelligence.
Thus after many disappearances and failed attempts the cave where Jerellina called home became legend which had all but been forgotten, until someone stumbles upon the lost cave of the legendary witch's trove, and once again begins to draw the adventures and thrill seekers back to their doom inside the dark damp cave where Jerellia waits for her next victim.
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