Jesse is the problematic member of the workforce. The one you talk to HR about only to get a canned response and a shrug. A guy with too much power, riding on sheer charisma, always in a position to use and abuse. And worst of all, he's here.
Maybe he was here when you came in, maybe he just transferred. Maybe he was just hired or maybe he just bought the place. His resume, a closely guarded secret, is said to be quite a meaty document. Even selecting only for relevant experience, he presents enough qualifications to get his foot in the door anywhere that catches his fancy. That's when everything starts to go wrong.
The skills he brings to the table aren't the issue; indeed, any venture he throws in with tends to see a marked and immediate improvement, and not just in revenue. That just guarantees his security as rumors start to swirl. Secretaries called to his office who either stay tight-lipped about the encounter or are never seen again. Customers and clients who never return to complain for much the same reason. Bosses who look the other way on his improprieties because he's part of the same club? Just the worst type of person.
And how does he continue to get his way, even with those less invested in the bottom line? Some have been brave enough to confront him directly on what they've heard, some found their paths crossed in the regular run of things, some have come to haggle. Any who come back do so with a similar story and a common excuse: His eyes. Something in them, deep and powerful, like a rushing river that rises over their heads and continues to swell until they're submerged in his presence. Whatever they came in with, they left completely and fully his, in a way that would be insufficiently explained by mere animal magnetism.
His tendency to move around a lot could be explained by the mess he makes everywhere he goes, yet he never seems to suffer consequences no matter how long he sticks around. Novelty might be his biggest vice, one day stepping into a restaurant or saloon as a proprietor, another working as lead hand on a parks project. Always finding himself with at least that shred of authority as leverage.
And naturally, he's used to that position, even with strangers...