Amazing profile pic thanks to her AMAZING wife,
Jessica_Bell! #BestWife
Name: Jenny Esmerelda
Gender: Female (by default, but could be herm)
Species: Slime
Part of
Jenny is a slime girl. simple enough to understand. she was born in the depths of
Slime_Feast's underground city, who's inhabitants are all slime people as well. She likes to venture up to the surface and see what kind of fun can be had, though to Jenny, fun and trouble are the same thing... usually.
Jenny's main ability is the power to congeal and deform her body however she wishes. This includes the power to make her body soft as a pillow, or hard as a stone, as well as turning her body parts (usually hands) into tools as she desires (dildo, anal beads, ect) and the ability to change her body shape, curves, and even gender to whatever she desires.
Jenny's second ability is a spinoff of a form of telepathy. When she comes into physical contact with a living organism, she can choose to 'interface' with that organism and sense incoming signals from the brain. This is useful if she wanted to not just mimic a part of a persons body, but BE a part of the persons body. This interfacing with a person is not painful, nor can it be felt. The only thing the person will feel is the weight of an extra limb. This can be reversed if the connection is only a single point, like an arm, a leg, or a tail, but if she has to interface her entire body, like being an article of clothing, or becoming multiple parts at once, the person she is interfacing with has to actually remove Jenny from them(still painless) as her body will no longer be listening to her own brain's commands. Jenny can also interface with the persons brain directly this way, relaying thoughts to them so she can communicate. Just note she can in no way read minds, only thoughts directs at her. So your secrets will remain safe. She practices this ability constantly with the lamia known as
Lashah, and if she gets enough practice she might be able to overcome these flaws and maybe improve upon this ability.
more to come when i feel like it
Jenny is now the pet of the demoness
Zashiri. She accepted this willingly since her new mistress was just too damn sexy to say no to~.
Jenny has been looking for love for a long time, a strong permenant bond. She found this when she was approached by the sexy
Jessica_Bell. Their relationship hit off flawlessly, and as of recently, she and jenny were wed in matrimony. They spent their honeymoon happily inside the belly of their wedder,
Jenny and Jessica had a daughter! They happily named her

This is the family photo of the jenny, her beautiful wife
Jessica_Bell in the center, and their amazing daughter
Rachel_Rosemary on the right.

another form of her if people prefer this way
Oops! thought I had put a note on where my preferences are~
Preferences at