Age (apparent): 19-ish
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B-C range
Height: 5' 7"
Normal Weight: 113 lbs
*whew* Been a while since I last came to my present day... wait, new alternative fuels? :O
Janette Chasy, quite the woman. It's not all the time you see a woman randomly popping up out of bushes... and seeing her description in multiple historical texts, reports of various families nobles of both genders described as having affairs with her, and... yeah. Also, be mindful of random entries in history books suddenly fading right off the pages. That's also Janette's doing.
In all temperatures, Janette typically wears the same stuff. She's allowed, given that her travels have made her immune system powerful enough to render her immune to the common cold. The sleeveless leather jacket with black short shorts are pretty much the only things between the outside and her black bra, seeing as her hat, thigh-high socks and boots, fingerless gloves, singular arm wrap and bangle on alternating arms wouldn't do much to cover her bare body if it ever comes down to it. Once in a blue moon, she'll don a long-sleeved black bomber jacket, but it almost seems like she prefers her semi-skimpy wear.
For her occupation, Janette is often a curious soul. She'll often find herself poking her nose into other people's businesses when she isn't humming some song she's heard over her travels, as if she has nothing better to do. More often than not, she'll try to come up with something profound to say, yet she isn't quite as successful as she'd like, but she never lets that get her down. Overall, she seems quite optimistic... even suicidal at times, taking risks most other people (and fellow daredevils) wouldn't dare to take. And the crazy thing is? She's not always so lucky when taking those risks.
Really, this girl's allowed to take the crazy risks she does thanks to her unusual occupation, named "Chronology". To make a long story short, Janette makes a living jumping from time period to time period, doing in-depth research of whatever she's tasked to look at. Dinosaur intestinal tracts? Check. Interview of a troop of Union soldiers? Check. Fighting robots and recovering their tech? Check. With all the different time periods she's been to, Janette's optimism is well-earned. To help her with her job, she was also given a very unique heart transplant... with an immortal. With her new heart, she always comes back from the dead, whether or not a body is left behind, and always in the last bed she slept in. How that works, ask the year 3155. The same time period is also where she got her adamantium-mythril alloy blade, which keeps sharp no matter what, cuts through most materials like butter, and remains fairly light.
More to come when ZergAlts has time. ...She wrote that, not me.
You're not gonna believe this one headline I found. "Gundam 1:1 model in Japan converted into working mobile suit." Heh~
Breast Vored:
NicoleFaller (made into her daughter, no appearance change)
- Player has a special hatred for fatal digestion. Post digestion reformation (if digestion occurs, which is rarely), in-scene or off-scene, is required.
- Player is whisper-friendly like you wouldn't believe.
- Player loves "nether" play. >///> Cunnilingus, slit-smothering, unbirthing...
- I'm gonna be honest when I don't get ye who don't like to be whispered. This could be due to my shyness, but seriously, if you don't like to be whispered, then we're likely not going to be the best RP partners, public or no.