
Janeane Fuller-Williams is the beautiful offspring of Tanja Williams and Tamara Fuller. Of course Janeane stays with her "father" for living purposes, but she frequently visits her mother at work and helps her here and there. She even attends the academy on her mother's property to ensure she can visit her mother frequently and that her father visits her mother for other reasons, besides sex.

She has quite the attributes from both of her parents. Her fair skin from her father, physique as well, and an insatiable desire for something, not quite understanding her two predatorial parents. Though Tamara can be such an overbearing father on Janeane, this child of hers likes to push her buttons, only for the spankings that would ensue on her luscious rear.

The woman also likes bonding with her mother in the most unusual of ways. The two of them often tease and eat micros with minor make-out sessions. Janeane also loves punishing naughty children at the orphanage, often making them her buttplug for the day, or a meal if she forgets about them inside of her.


          Player is Orphanage