What happens if you take
a pervy foxgirl and cross it with
a naughty elf? Well, if you're lucky, you'll get something like Jamie.
And, well, Jamie's a bit interesting, now isn't he? ... though part of how he can be interesting is that he's not always a he. Some weird quirk of his parents' genetics has left him without a fixed gender, and the magic his father can use hasn't helped matters so much, there. In the end, he's become a gendershifter, not so much by choice as by letting the inevitable happen.... but that's us getting ahead of ourselves.
A bit of an oddball thanks to his mixed heritage, Jamie's... well, he's doomed to never be 'rugged' or traditionally masculine or any such thing. He's got a somewhat feminine figure in his male form, which isn't helped at all by long, silky pink hair, slender, flicky, soft-furred ears, a long, silky pink tail, and stunning blue eyes(somewhat hidden behind a pair of glasses), along with somewhat pale skin and soft-spoken mannerisms. However, lest any bullies think he's an easy mark, his shifting genders(Which even he can't truly predict) have had another impact... put simply, he's somewhat tsundere, at times, and it's as simple as flipping a switch to get him from quiet and apparently timid to flipping his shit and beating the crap out of someone. Or, you know, at least scaring the crap out of someone. Mind, this may also happen while his gender flips, too, and SHE is scarier than HE is.
Mind, it helps that they know magic... nothing sends bullies packing like a fistful of fire coming at their face, you know.
Anyway. Fifteen years old, apparently, with a slender, moderately curvy figure in either shape, the principle difference is in the features. As a male, Jamie is a bit sharper in his face, and his chest is flat, whilst his rear is a bit smaller and more toned. As a female, he loses an inch or two of height, gaining in the chest department, whilst her features become softer.. including, to her chagrin, that smackable booty. In either form, though, he prefers comfortable clothes designed by his mother and made with help from his father. That way, he's suitably dressed, regardless of gender! As a male, he prefers slacks or jeans, sneakers, and a button-down shirt, whilst a simple genderchange sees him in a skirt and stockings instead of pants, with a rather nice blouse instead of a man's shirt. He tends to wear his hair in a simple, loose tail behind his head, most of the time, or entirely loose, and can often be found reading quietly by himself.
Just, you know. Take into account his heritage before you think he's helpless or harmless, eh? There've been rumors of people disappearing for a while, and showing up elsewhere, rather slimy... but no proof of those yet. Hmn...
Text is color-coded for your convenience! Blue is male, pink is female. (But what about purple? Ohmy.)