WE INTERRUPT THIS PROFILE FOR BREAKING NEWS!: Eclipso, James's wife, has managed to come back to life! How? We aren't sure. :P NOW BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROFILE! :D
Some know him by his first name, some know him as 'Captain', but all...all know his last name.
Because of his grandpappy's work, he already had a good rep going, but then he got...evil.
Yeah, alot of people have heard of the beast of Pirate's Bay, yet...none know it's him...and those that figure that out...don't last as long as they would hope...to them his words are, "Ya have two options. One, ya join me crew. Or, two, not many people choose two. Not only because it isn't very fun and you die when it's over. But 'cause...well...I be just about as nice as me grandpappy once ya gets ta know me."
If they choose option two, that will be that last choice they make for awhile...maybe even forever.
((Little note: This character is made to be a furry version of Davy Jones...though a bit nicer.))
Flintlock Pistol
His ship the 'Shadow of Death', shown here tossing around in a stormy sea.
This is his flag.
His hobby: He plays
guitar alot, I guess that counts.
he is currently recruiting for his CREW(don't be afraid to ask, though he will only ask if he REALLY trusts you.):
WyattGodfrey: He told James to prove that he was the beast, so James took him on board and out to sea.
Maxwell-Red Fox-Helmsman
Jerald-Grey Wolf-Lookout(Crow's nest guy)
Davy Jones-???-Captain of The Flying Dutchman(Used in a friend/mentor sense.)
Eclipso_Sparrow-Wolf-His Mate(She can be an NPC or played...depends on which profile is logged in.)
Max Sparrow-Wolf-His Son(Will get around to making a profile for him soon.)
1. Theme of the movie that inspired me to make this char. ^^
2. His theme, and the voice sounds like his...how ironic...lol. ^^
3. creepy music you might hear playing from his ship on occasion.

Muhahahahaha! Skull Clock!:
((Please look to
JamesRogue for prefs.))