You know, you'd think being a teenager is as bad as it gets. Not only does your life suck, when you're a teenager(At least, in some important ways it does), but all you have to look forward to after is a whole lot of crap as an adult, followed by, if you're lucky, a nice, relaxed retirement, and a few years in a nursing home.
Yeah, that's... pretty much never gonna be what James gets. Of course, he's not a vanilla human, now is he? Noooo, that would be rough enough as a teenager, but he's a meta, so he's got OTHER issues.
Normal humans have acne. Metahumans have the sudden emergence of powers, AND acne. Unless, you know, they're unlucky, and develop facetentacles or something. Normal humans might reasonably take a driving test. Metahumans take a Hero Aptitude test, AND a driving test. And their driving test is harder! At least, if they're gonna be driving like maniacs through the streets like certain heroes from comics!
in James' case, he got his mom's powers, but sorta.... more broad, and destructive, making him an interesting case study for some scientists. As well, he got his motorcycle license at about the same time, as well as his Hero License. It was a big, busy week, and damned interesting to boot, but it's made his life MUCH more complicated, at this point, than it was before! Normal kids, after all, don't really have to worry about superhero stuff at all, now do they?
Then again, most normal kids also don't get the perks, do they? He has a license that lets him drive like a maniac(And took the classes to get away with it), as well as the various perks of his superhero license, as well! Class B Law Enforcement means he's supposed to take people alive if he can, though, you know, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. He's not killed anyone yet, though. Class B Demolition means it's totally cool if he knocks a building over, under most circumstances, moreso if it's condemned and empty. He can actually pick up some cash by working with demo crews, so, wahey. And, class C medical means he can serve as a paramedic(at least, if he had something besides a motorcycle), thanks to that aspect of his powers.
He inherited them from his mother, mind you. She was one of the big-name heroes, back in the day, going by the pseudonym of Lady Light. Best known for potent support skills, as well as numerous other abilities, she's kind of fallen off the radar, as she has slipped into retirement, volunteering, mostly, at local hospitals, and doing her best to help keep people healthy. She approves of her son's choice of career, though, so that much is alright.
As for the kid himself, James is sixteen years old, and it shows. He's five nine, a hundred and eighty pounds(healthily toned, thank you), with short red hair and bright blue eyes. That says nothing about the cocky grin, but eh. That's secondary. That's /everyday/ stuff.
He'll dress like any other teenager, most of the time, but at work, well.... retro chic, really, with a hint of steampunk perhaps, is how he rolls. Goggles provide enough coverage to conceal his idtentity, while his uniform typically consists of jeans, combat boots, fingerless gloves, and a bomber jacket. His hair is typically fairly messy, and somewhat spiky, when he's working, and really he just looks like a punk until he manifests something that looks and acts like a lightsaber in his hand. THEN people sit up and take notice. Nothing says 'shut up and pay attention' like a sizzling blade made of heat and pain.
So what, then, is his power, you may ask? Simple: Energy generation and manipulation. He's a fairly strong talent, too, for his family, able to manipulate it in multiple interesting ways, and fairly powerfully as well! His favored use, of course, is that lovely little glowing blade of energy he can produce, both for efficiency and general usefulness. It earned him his superhero name, too, when the press first called him Starblade. After that, well... he just kept using it, and has become something of a celebrity in his city. However, that's not the limit of his power: he can amplify his punches, and kicks, as well as generate force waves, if he puts his mind to it. This lets him be QUITE effective against certain threats, and especially against buildings. He's also able to speed healing in people, and keep them alive long enough for doctors to take over, through different applications of his power.
Still, there's always someone bigger and badder. The Bad Guys have gotten both meaner and sneakier, and, well, he knows he's not ready for the big leagues yet. Still, he's only sixteen, so who knows? Maybe it'll work out, eventually.