She hasn't really talked much, since it happened... but no one can blame her, really. After all, the other survivors said plenty, and, well... the remains of those who didn't survive speak for themselves, minimal though they are.
It happened about a year ago, now, out of the blue. There was no warning whatsoever. It was a perfectly normal school day in a perfectly normal year. Jaiden and the rest of her classmates were, naturally, in class, unless they were out of the room playing hooky. Generally, just being kids, and enjoying their time in their all-girls school.
Then the lights flickered. Then everything around them changed, and went decidedly strange. Naturally, this was creepy enough, but what happened next was really unnerving. One of the braver students, Jaiden decided to go out, and investigate... and she returned, five minutes later, pale-faced and out of breath. There were no other people in the school, as near as she could tell, but the walls were made of flesh, out there, and she could hear
something all around her, there at the end. They had to get out, now, she insisted, but most of her classmates dismissed her, saying she was imagining things.
They were wrong, as they found out once tentacles emerged from the ceiling, wrapping around Jaiden's friend, Clarise's, neck. As everyone watched, the girl was pulled between two tentacles and simply pulled apart, her head dropped at Jaiden's feet as her body was lifted, tentacles penetrating it for all to see before it vanished into the ceiling, replaced with a horrible munching.
From there, it all became a blur. Jaiden grabbed her friend's head, and ran like hell, and the others followed. All around them, the walls came alive, tentacles and other, less savory things emerging. Several other friends were snatched up, and sucked into the walls, merging with them as tentacles started to violate them, before they were tugged in, vanishing from sight to the sound of horrible screaming. Others... others found that beasts had emerged from the walls, and fell prey to them. It was a nightmare which seemed impossible, and yet... it was real.
In the end, it was Jaiden who rallied the remaining girls. This THING was hunting them, and it had to be stopped. They had to find it, and kill it. There were only ten of them left at that point, and no one was thrilled with the idea, but they reluctantly agreed... after all, if they didn't kill it, it might kill some of the other girls of the school. So, raiding the kitchen, and various supply closets, they armed themselves, and went toward the center of the school, anticipating the main body of the beast to be there.
It was, of course. How could it not be? And the girls, horrified though they were, steeled themselves, and attacked. They attacked with knives, and chemicals, and more than a little panic, possibly including pantswetting fear. And, somehow, though they lost another three of their number, they won! They killed the thing, and watched it turn to smoke!
And then, as they slumped, relieved, there was a horrible scream, as a beast, roughly humanoid, apparently made of tentacles, appeared. Several of the girls were slapped aside, one or more suffering concussions, before it simply grabbed Jaiden, and, letting out the most horrible laugh, dragged her out of sight, kicking and screaming and clinging to her best friend's head, all the while. She disappeared behind a door... and then things got worse, still. The screams went on for half an hour, as her classmates cowered... and then everything turned back to normal.
The damage, though, had been done. Multiple patches of blood and gore marked the spots where the other girls had died, and there were a few piles of dismembered parts, here and there. Clarise, mercifully, was not found... save for her head, in Jaiden's arms. Jaiden, herself, was badly burned around her right arm, her eyes blank, and lifeless. She was clinging to Clarise's remains for all she was worth, soaked in blood and horrified, but apparently alive, and otherwise unscathed, when the rescuers finally found her and the rest of the girls.
It's been a year since then, and Jaiden has hardly spoken at all. She's been talking more and more, lately, but still, it's rare that she says more than a sentence or two at a time. Still, it might be said that actions speak louder than words, and if her actions are anything to judge by, she's a bit broken, and needy. She jumps at shadows, she clings to her remaining friends, and she tends to be rather nervous, all around, often rubbing at her right arm as though it still pains her. That's normal, though... what everyone gets to see.
Sometimes, though, she seems rather more aware, and active.... that is when you need to watch out. You see, girls still disappear, sometimes, around her. No one knows why, but they KNOW it can't be her.... after all, she suffered the worst of all the survivors, so she definitely wouldn't do anything to anyone else... right?
Alt of The Tower. Not what she appears to be.
She's a Hentai Horror survivor, with much that that implies, and more besides. For a good idea, here's a couple of pics, with assurances that there is more beneath the surface.
Just a hint of what lies beneath...
The fate of one of the survivors who disappeared, the one who most often helped Jaiden, and did her best to take care of her.