((OOC: Alt of
JamesRogue, images will be removed upon request.))
Jade, project 943 of the Eios Ultimate Soldier Project. the project involved biologically superior beings being implanted with cybernetic upgrades.
Jade is an assassin, shown here walking through a frosted over Chicago on her way to meet her first contractor. Little did she know it was a setup, and little did they know they'd be gurgling away by the time the ordeal was over.
True to an assassin's nature, she rarely speaks...and when she does it's usually to reprimand someone. In other words, she's a bitch from hell.
Those hands of hers may seem a bit large, which they are...at the moment. You see if she so chooses, she can make those things shrink via 'transforming'.
Currently mated with
GeorgeDrake, she gave him
this ring.
Her ship, an X-Wing Starfighter called Nano-Two.
Her Astromech Droid, R4-G3.
Her temporary home, the Kianala Star Station.