In the spirit world, someone's always making a play for power. Coups happen every day, or fail to happen, and everyone's got a scheme to get rich and take control. This is true in Hell, Hel, Tartarus, Faerie, and the myriad other facets of the spirit world, and it seems to get more intense the closer one gets to the human realms. Almost every entity has spent time going up and down the social power ladder... but usually, it's the spirit creatures, the supernatural, that does this. Rare is the human, or even part-human, who manages to work on something like this, and rarer still is one who succeeds.
Jacob, mind you, attributes his success to good planning, better skills, and even better luck. After all, most of his success has come from others underestimating him, or otherwise failing to account for his capabilities. He's got a growing realm within the spirit world, one full of demons, angels, fae, youkai, and other things, some of them quite strange indeed. There is, however, one thing they all have in common: They're all women.
Well, female, anyway. And feminine, and rather attractive. And, well, they serve him, by right of conquest, though what exactly THAT means is up to discussion. It could be conquests are involved, as well. Whatever the case is, though, he has a growing number of followers, some more willing than others, and his power is growing as he claims more and more of them. Of course, that is, perhaps, why he is claiming them in the first place.
Fully six feet and two inches tall(IF one includes his horns), with fair skin, slitted, catlike eyes, and a slender, flicky tail, Jacob is built like an athlete. A runner, or possibly a swimmer, or fencer. He's healthily fit, like he uses his muscles often in his work, but fairly lean, as well, typically clad in a black longcoat trimmed in white, over a simple black and white uniform, with armor in appropriate places. This, naturally, includes a pair of sturdy leather boots, which are, in fact, combat boots. Because, well, he often actually sees combat, so why not? Though, he doesn't seem to carry any weapons for some reason...
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