Name: Izumi Haruko
Age: Just about 300. Doesn't keep up with it.
Height: 4'9"
Weight: Uh. Does it matter?
Power: Manipulation of plants
Haruko Izumi has never quite fit in amongst her people. She's never been as big or as strong as the rest, and among Oni, who value strength and stature above almost everything else, that's kind of a big deal. Really, she's always been a bit of an outsider... but the reason for this is a simple one. Her ability, you see, is of such great benefit to her people that she's been using it for all of her life. All day, every day, helping the crops grow better and stronger than ever, so her people have more food, and, more importantly, can make better booze.
... they ARE Oni, after all.
The thing is, all this work has taken its toll on her, over the years. She's been too worn out by her work to bulk up like her brothers, sisters, and cousins, or any of the other Oni, really. She's never going to catch up with them, or make up for lost time in that regard. This has, however, lead to her being something a bit more special still amongst her people. Without time or energy to devote to physical studies, she's found other things to devote her remaining energy to, following the example of one of the Devas. Specifically, she's put her time and energy toward mastering the old art of Flagration, manipulation of fire! It took her over a hundred years, but, in the end, she wound up mastering the old art, gaining an immunity to heat and, oh lordy, a sacred Sake gourd!
That was just a year or two ago, though. She's not had time to enjoy her newfound abilities, status, and toy(which happens to be a neverending supply of Sake), and she still hasn't really gained the respect of her peers! They respect size, strength, and the ability to Party, and she simply... well, hasn't been able to! So now, she's trying to get more free time, to go out and do new things, meet new people, and... well, get hammered!
She IS an Oni, after all.
Physically, Haruko isn't super-imposing. Her height, for an Oni, is impressive only for being so... well, unimpressive. Most Oni tend to be a bit amazonian in stature, and she's small and petite! Don't let that fool you, though. Despite appearances, she makes up for her apparent lack in strength by being quite a bit stronger than she actually is! Add to that a learned ability to manipulate impressively hot fires, a moderate size-shifting ability, AND the ability to RUIN your nose with seasonal allergies(not that she would...), and she's not really someone to mess with! Personality-wise, though. she's sweet, friendly, and a bit naive, mostly due to inexperience. She's durable enough that she's not afraid to take risks, though. And, well, she's cute enough, with her two little horns poking out of her forehead(tiny little horns, really, for an Oni), her silky white hair, and her pretty purple eyes, that she tends to get OUT of any trouble she gets in!
Alt by The Tower!