
Name: Ivory Sieryuu-Nightrider
Race: Shadow Dragon
Gender: Herm
Age: Extremely Old
Height: 9'3/14'3
Weight: 858/1,694
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Necromancer/Mage-Smith
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Hair Color: Silver
Scale Color: Smooth Shiny hide colored like an Orca
Singing Voice: Massive Attack: Teardrop
Voice Actor: Laura Bailey
Quick Note: Absolutely no humans of any kind. No Neko's either as I consider them the same exact thing. The only non furry species I would come close to is a female dark skinned elf with huge tits. Thank you in advance.
-Travel/Combat Outfit: A shiny black mage's robe split down the side at the waist with weights at the bottom to keep it hanging properly. The robe looks like cloth however made of Iron-weave it is as heavy as a full suit of armor, kept tight to her form by her large chest and tight belt. Her undergarments and leggings consist of tight latex, adhering to her legs and nethers. Thick leather gauntlets adorn her clawed scaled hands, providing protection and grip. Hanging by her side is the Ancient tome of Dark Magic, a spell-book containing some of the most extreme examples of necromantic magics found. Around her neck hangs a pendent, simple in nature with no magical properties, a face of a skull smiling while stareing into infinity. Last of all her scythe. This massive weapon is as tall as she is, bearing no magical properties with a serrated edge lightly coated in rust, blood and dried body fat.
-Everyday: A silk scarf adorns her massive chest, transparent in nature as to let the details of her breasts be exposed, however the scarf is magical in nature, protecting her from the elements when worn. Thick leather pants, black with a dull shine cover her lower half with a plethora of black belts and straps covering her left leg. Commonly her silver hair is tied back, ear tails hanging down over her shoulders.
-Deprivation Suit: A very rare piece of clothing she enjoys. A latex suit complete with a mask that seals anyone who wears it inside, completely closed off from the outside world it depraves those who wear it of there senses. Stretchable to fit from the smallest in stature to Ivory herself. It is said the suit itself is sentient, absorbing those left trapped within it for to long.
Neutral Evil "Malefactor"
"A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has."
However Ivory is subject to change within her mannerisms when in dealings with her family, friends, pets or should she be engaged in business.
-Shadow Dragon: This is Ivory's true nature and her true form. Standing fourteen feet tall, she may change her height to benefit herself or her partners within her whim. Like this her skin is a leathery hide, smoothed to feel like latex only to give off a shine similar in the tone of black or white. Her breasts, truly massive in nature, take up the majority front of her torso, hanging heavily but firm, leaking her milk only when slightly aroused. Her tail, nearly as long as her body is tall, moves side to side from her form, acting of its own accord in many situations and is very much prehensile. Silvery hair, hung loosely from her head is parted constantly only to be pulled behind her ears. Like this she is commonly a herm. Heavy full breasts matched by a large member and balls hidden inside of a vent, sharing a single slit with her womb which has been enlarged by years of play, however capable of crushing ones skull when easily lost in the throws of an orgasm.
-Jackal: Ivory bears from time to time the appearance of a black, shiny skinned anubian jackal. This form holds benefits for her, allowing her to mingle in public places or handling matters with mortals not accustomed to that of a dragons appearance. Six feet in height with similar characteristics, she remains a pure female in this form, wearing the small clothing she dawns normally, simply sized for her smaller form. The inlets of her ears, markings around her eyes and her claws remain a dark purple color.
-Dragon-fox: A unique and particular form that crosses a dragon and fox. She pulled this form from her pet
Raven so she may disguise herself as the small creature with a helpless nature or simply something small but as physically strong as her draconic form. Standing 5'7 in height, her fur is short and kept well, keeping the white and black coloration's of her draconic form.
Ivory has taken other forms, however they are nothing of a permanent nature, simply gained through used of a poly morph. Some examples of these forms include Rottweiler, Sergal, Renamon, Wolf, St. Bernard, Naga and many more.

Born on the world Avalice from a green paragon mother, her father a paladin in the service of Bahamut. The dragoness grew up a sheltered lonely childhood. Preferring the company of the wind and rain to that of her own blood. In the years growing up Ivory took an interest in the dead, having seen those from her house fall in battle with the undead south of the keep. It wasn't long before she snuck into the library of the keep, obtaining a small book on necromancy. As the years passed she kept this passion of hers hidden from the light of her parents until one day she decided she could learn no more. With funds saved and stolen from her fathers horde, the teenage dragoness bought a weapon, gear and travel supplies only to set out. Unfortunate for the dragoness was her fate that she would encounter a mage far stronger then her. With a crushing blow to her pride she was cast from the plane of Avalice, stuck on the shores of a barren wasteland of a planet, overrun with the undead. It was here she met up with a lizard named Bourbon, an odd character who crafted dolls to fight for him and a stranger creature named Tapheon, tinkerer of clockwork and other gadgets. For years they traveled together, surviving the undeadlands, killing anything that came within there path and through this the dragoness grew stronger. It was on one day that the three happened into a castle occupied by a lich who had dominion over the land. The odd, tower like mansion proved difficult for them, going from floor to floor, destroying undead creature one after another until they finally reached the lich at the top. Hours after the battle began it had ended abruptly. The team managed to take the powerful lich down before them, destroying his phylactery within the process. Upon his study the three looted and it was there that Ivory found the tome of darkness. Opening the book without a master present to it binded the tome to her, changing her very soul and nature. With her new power gained, the dragoness shortly found a portal to free them from this barren world. Parting ways the team split up, Ivory returning home to her family to find far more years had passed then she had realized. Her father far older, so many more siblings and denizens occupied the keep as well as a city was now being built around it. Taking it as a form of rejection, having thought they abandoned her so easily only to have new children, Ivory left the city to travel. Years she roamed the world, eventually meeting a senile old human who taught her the ways of the mage smith, binding magic to steel. For many years to come she practiced the craft, creating powerful weapons, armor and trinkets. It was here with his help she created her sub dimension. Ivory now roams the lands many years later after many adventures and friends met, traveling the planes as she sees fit, teaching upon the Roos floating school the secrets of necromancy.

Shadow Dragon - Her breath weapon is devastating, a black and purple mist she blows from her maw to the target of her choice. Anyone or thing caught within this mist has the life slowly sucked and drained from them, eventually losing there soul to her or should there willpower be sufficiently weak, simply dissapate and cease to exist. She can corrupt beings, souls, or the land she walks on by an exertion of her willpower, letting them decay away into nothing.
Necromancer - As a necromancer Ivory can do simple tasks such as raise the dead, commune with spirits or rot the flesh of the living to far more complicated matters such as raising the spirits of old dead forgotten gods. Being a necromancer isn't just about undeath and the dead. It is a complicated magic of healing and repairing the body as well. Some of the most severe wounds, uncurable by a priest or medic, may be cured by that of a necromancer by the regrowing or regeneration of lost limbs or tissues. Being a specialist in necromancy Ivory has access to general magic as well, power destructive spells, healing spells, to enchantments and invocations. It should be noted Ivory has a
Spell Book by her side almost always when she is outside of her home.
Mage-Smith - This is a class that combines the crafting and knowledge of weapon and armor smithing with that of the magical nature of enchantment possessed by a mage. It is with this teaching that Ivory has learned to combine her magical nature of a necromancer and mage to make extremely powerful weapons and artifacts, often using her specialty of intelligent weaponry, inserting souls directly into the weapons shes creates. She is always open for commission of an item and has many to sell. Her home open with many racks of weapons in front of her smithy to showcase the wares she has produced.
Physical - While a mage, she is an adept physical fighter, using a large two handed scythe and is more of a technical fighter then one of pure rage and force. Her scythe used to have a chain protruding from the bottom of it, however this was broken some time ago in a battle with a dragon of her strength.
Magical - With a combination of physical attacks, Ivory will often chant and cast during a fight, embueing her weapon or casting directly at the foe in question. Quick spells are typically preferred to give her an edge, however should she had the time to cast, far more lethal and destructive spells are enjoyed, spells that induce suicide or dicentigration.
Ivory spends much of her time crafting works of weaponry, armor and other trinkets of interest. She always has something for sale upon her smithy in one of those forms or another. Her specialty within crafting is the crafting of intelligent weapons. The process is simple enough while the work may take time. She takes an order for a weapon style forging or crafting the weapon. Then she obtains an appropriate soul, ripping it from the flesh of the living to the prison confines of a gem. The soul is sentient and provides various powers and abilities as well as being aware of the world around itself. Anyone who picks the blade up must overcome a battle of wills with the soul trapped inside, should they succeed they may control the near artifact weapon, however should they fail they are possessed by the soul trapped within without ever realizing they are until the weapon is pulled from there possession. An example of her work is the weapon
"The Hybrids Bane" as seen below within the gallery. The Dragon-fox
Raven was deconstructed only to be put back together as raw materials for the crafting of the blade, her soul trapped within a green gem, bound to her new for forever.
Ivory has many general abilities of magic and physical natures. Here it is some of them shown as a sexual nature.
-Ivory can tailvore someone up to her size, a spell she learned from another red dragon.
-Ivory can merge with another being, mixing with them fifty/fifty in mind and form.
-She can absorb someone into her form through any part of her body as if she melted over them like liquid latex.
-She can pull souls from nearly any being, playing with them or consuming them in a voreish manner.
-A deep knowledge of anatomy, used for stimulating her or ones self, or to skin another being.
-A simple transformation into another species, or can transform others into an object or race.

Ivory's mother is known as Ryclos Seiryuu. A green paragon capable of birthing any color/species of dragon.It should be noted Ryclos is a son of Bahamut and is a true feral dragon, taking the anthro form for her lover. Ivory was one of Ryclos's first hatch to be born not only to her, but by her husband. Ryclos resides with her husband at Sky-den keep, within the caverns hallowed out below it within the plane Avalice.
Ivory's Father, a paladin and Avatar in service of Bahamut named Kye-ven Nightrider, a blue chromatic dragon of many years of age. He is the lord of Sky-den keep, the last city before the mountain pass and the only defense to hold off the undead from invading the capital city for the dragons of Avalice. His house (A.K.A. Clan) is one of the higher upon the world and thus he is well known and respected. Being a paladin of a neutral good faith, he has conflicts with the necromantic practices of his daughter, seeing them as abominations. However he must put faith and convictions aside when dealing with his daughter, truly loving all of his children.
Other Relatives
Granddaughter to Bahamut, Ivory knows so little of him, having been one of the few children to never meet him she is kept in the dark from his life. Some day she hopes to be called to meet with him, however her necromantic ways must change before he will accept her into his kingdom.
Ivory has a total of 6 siblings true to her from the same hatch. Many of them have come and gone, dead or alive. She knows little of there whereabouts or there dealings, hearing only tales of there lives from when she visits her fathers keep.
Ivory has a jackal brother named Raiken, shiny black and anubian looking in nature.
Ivory has so far only one mate and she dearly loves her so. The pairing would seem odd to many however to many of the dragons upon Avalice in which she resides, it is not an uncommon way. Shayna, Ivory's mate is also her sister, having bared them a total of five children to date. Shayna is a dragoness of an angelic and priestly nature, bearing white feathered wings and a silvery hide resembling much in the way of a priestess.
Ivory has five children with her mate Shayna, many of them have left her home, seeking refuge with someone who may train them, or simply wander from time to time.
There is one pet Ivory keeps within her possession that bears special mention.
Raven has been with the dragoness for quite some time. Cleaning the compound or pleasing her mistress, this small dragonfox has a special place within Ivory's being and she will never let go. <3

Ivory's home is something of an unusual nature, a major diefic artifact within its own right.
The Entryway
Beginning with the small cabin sized to that of a tool shack, this odd sight could be found anywere and serves as a door and gateway into her home. With two small windows placed aside a normal sized wooden door, no light shines through them or allows any light into the cabin itself. The door is always unlocked and available for entry though past the door is a sensation of cold air and darkness.
The Tower
Entering the cabin results in one appearing within a old stone tower, smelling of dust and mold. Laying around are a few old boxes, stacked in the corner with dust and moss growing off of them. Sunshine pierces the once darkness through murder holes several feet up from the ground. The exit of this tower is gained through an older thick wooden door, framed by rusted steel creeking as it was opened. A sign resting upon the door. "Abandon all hope ye who enter here."
The Compound
When exiting the tower pine trees surround the immediate area, a light cold breeze blows gently through the area. Infront of the tower an old worn cobble stone path leads through a small clearing within the forest towards what would appear to be a compound of buildings. A large fountain of stone stands in the middle of a circle made of the same cobblestone, branching a path outwards to several buildings.
The living quarters of a dragoness
Built of stone and wood, this two story home has several bedrooms with a small sideroom for her pet dragonfox. While she resides here and choses this as a place to perform many of her favorite activities, it also serves as an Inn for travelers she would rent rooms to for a nights time.
The Library
This vast, two story building holds books and tombs from various times, religeons, races and magical natures. Manuals as well as spellbooks may be found here, however each book is guarded by a strong contingency, stealing will result within the dragoness wrath.
Alchemy lab
It is here Ivory spends a fair amount of her time. This two story lab houses an untold amount of ingredients used in her alchemical experiments, once living or from nature itself. It is here she produces potions, injections, magical liquids as well as some of the more vial toxins and poisons ever seen. Inside the first floor in the center of the room rests a book of recipies handwritten by her, weighing over 700 pounds and as large as a couch.
This is were Ivory's time is spent in whole. Being her major practice, it is here that Ivory creates her weapons, armor and trinkets of magical and artifact natures. The necromancer in her allows her manipulation of souls to be combined with that of her masterwork creations, taking the souls of the unfortunate or targets and placing them within items to create that of an intelligent weapon. The soul inside is bound to servitude to that who claims the weapon as its master, should the being be strong enough to overcome the will of the soul trapped inside. Should one fail however, the weapon itself will claim there body as a vessel to command. Her strongest, most prized creation is a Kukri named that of the Hybrids Bane, a weapon capable of killing her grandfather Bahamut within one blow, not to mention fatal to anything that bears the blood of a draconic race.
The Water Mill
A small building by the river running close to her home. Around this place is a small garden were she grows strange and unusual plants, some capable of devouring a creature of even her size.
The Sundial
This is one of the more complicated and intricate things within her home. The sundial houses the central time control system for her dimension, enabling Ivory to stand infront of the pedastool to place her palm upon an indentation upon it. With the utterance of a specific word in a draconic common language, it will be set on the specified setting. The first peg is a normal flow of time in syncronization with the time outside of her sub-dimension. The second through twenty third peg speeds the time from one week to a day to twenty three weeks to a day. The twenty fourth peg stops the syncronization of time with the outside world all together, allowing ten thousand years to pass within the tent while only a few seconds will have passed outside. This makes a blacksmithing order from a mortal, able to be achieved and given to them if the weapon or item would have taken there lifetime or longer to create.
The School
It is here Ivory travels to every few days of the week. Upon a floating school within the clouds she teaches at a school the art of necromancy and the crafting knowledge of a mage-smith. Upon this school are mages and races of many kinds, run by the headmaster Shuuichi, a large roo Psionicist/Mage-smith.
Being a mage Ivory has a few familiars two of which remain within her tent.
Hughnen - This black raven is the size of an Albatross, sleek black feathers adorn her large body with a white mark the shape of a diamond upon her forehead. This raven shows incredible intelligence and acts as Ivory's second pair of hands and brain. Something Ivory recently blessed her familiar with is the ability to take a anthro form. In this form she wields two Kodachi, wearing a black and silver kimono with a Japanese style straw hat. Shes acts as messenger and Assassin.
Hasiris - Her Second Familiar, a large 70 foot long and 20 foot wide anaconda that guards her sub-dimension from would be robbers and those would would try to harm her. He is also of great intelligence, more cunning then one could possibly think, and an appetite that does both of them to shame. Has the ability to change Into a more anthro version, gaining arms which allows him to cast spells as well as many other things.

"My prior logs have been stolen by a thief of the vulpine species, so as of now I will be recording my interactions with the beings of this area within my research journal."
2011-12-01 Journal:
Page 1 Page 2
Dezzy - Foreplay, Breast suckling, Tail-Maw, BlowJob,

Likes and dislikes change from time to time. What was today, may well be different tomarrow. With that said I am open to nearly all manner of fetishes and likes, there is very little that could turn me away. Should you have something in mind do not be hesitant to whisper me. I will tell you if I take and share interest in your idea.
Ivory is rather on the hyper side, her breasts are enourmous as well as heavy and her member is quite large not to mention her balls. With somewhat large hips, large paws and a thick tail. She loves attention drawn towards these above all else however her breasts. They are the most sensitive part of her form. To be grasped, suckled, pinched or even an object inserted into them will cause her orgasm to draw far faster then normal. Also she has a large love of latex and tight bodysuits that hold firmly to the body and her breasts.
A few favorite fetishes of mention are Latex, breast or body enhancement, the many types of vore, merging, absorbtion, transformation, melting, bondage, encasement, digestion, scat, torture, guro, hyper endowments, breeding, pregnancy, incest, watersports, and anything done involving her breasts.
Ivory is primarily pred, an index of (90/10). She prefers to pred, devouring, tortureing and using any she may believe to suit her. There are times however when the dragoness may be apt to be the prey instead of the predator. As a jackal her nature changes and is far more sated in mood then her true form. She also has a weakness for Naga's full anthro snake females, preferably with a large, sizeable chest. She simply cannot say no to them in anyway, doing what they may ask of her if approached right.
For the Scene itself I do prefer larger posts, at LEAST 4-5 lines + and basic grammar within an appropriate amount of time. I also prefer settings to scenes then just "Muve 2 you n tough you naughtily". Please manage your time and make sure you can and are up to finishing a scene. If you have need to leave early, emergencies do happen, however if its a habit or constant bails I will not consider a scene again.
Also another note, I would prefer if I was not approached IC within a whisper, you will not get an IC response.
There are things that are hard for the dragoness to turn away.
Female naga's, especially the ones with larger breasts.
Latex creatures that are willing to absorb or merge with Ivory.
Rottweiler females and even males.
Want List
-To have a Burmecian female to play with on occasion, a favorite and highly prized species, must be willing to be enhanced.
-To be a mistress to a rottweiler anthro. Male or female.
-To gain a Renamon female as a slave. Must be willing to be 'Enhanced'.
-Absorbed by a latex being or turned into latex and absorbed or worn, possibly hijacking that being for herself after.
-Turning others into jewelry. She needs a new clit piercing thats sentient.
-Breast vore only to turn the victim into her breast mass, permanantly increasing there size.
-Turning others into a liquid, only to inject them into her member to enlarge it's size permanantly.
There are few things that turn me off, the few things are
-Power players. Strong, even godlike characters are fine, Ivory is as strong as a god, being an OLD d&d second edition character I played for over ten years, however I will never bring this into effect. God playing and modeing is just a terrible time for everyone and I will promptly end a scene if it gets out of control.
-Humans/Neko's. I'm sorry but there really just not for me, the closest I will come is a female drow unless you are some amalgamation of furry with a little bit of human. In Example; Lower half belly down rottweiler, top half human, floppy rottweiler ears.