
Relationship status: Mates with Ragnarok as I am his real female partner in life
Ivaylo means wolf in Bulgarian Language

She's about 19yrs of wolf age with an unknown height and weight. Tall and skinny with a breast size of D5, she has Black straight wavy hair with blue highlights blending in. Black soft fur with blue highlights blending in she has Blue sea like eyes and sharp teeth. And including a nice bushy furry tail with again blue highlights.

She's not much interested into travelling from place to place, so she decided to stay here and make this place her home. She never really new her family or her history, from being a pup she was foster homed, living with a different species known as the Ruppells Fox. They where a nice loving family but once she grew up she started to realise that this family was never going to be her real family and she started to feel down and left out..After for a years she moved out and travelled once, not liking where she ended up she decided to come here not knowing that this was a park full of different animals and species. So she looked around and made herself feel like home.

Approachable indeed but might bite!

She did however find out that she's Ragnarok's Canine Pet, but she had no recall of how that ever happened but accepts the position as his pet. Now calling him Master she follows him around like a loyal pet would.. Getting into all sorts of mischief and trouble but she always stays at his side not wondering off to far but staying in the clear so that she can be seen by her Master..