Adronae, one of Mirakai's creations, one of the first few, they are the boundary to Mirakai's realm, and as such is completely indestructible, and quite strong, like a colossus, maybe a few dozen... but she is usually really tired and is quite on the slow side, it is kind-of easy to evade her really, even though she is a god like being, she seems to have feelings and effects happen to her that is common for mortals, including extreme tiredness, dizziness, confusion, and a few others, but they can't be done magically to her.
She is use to the ever changing mansion of Mirakai's but tends to be lazy and warp around even when half or completely asleep, sleep warping really, and eating, when half asleep or completely asleep she tends to be quite unaware of everyone's presence around her until on makes physical contact with her, at which point she still doesn't know what or who made contact to but reacts to grab and picks them up to examine while still asleep or half asleep. She also has some weird power that escapes when she yawns, a drowsiness bubble forms and floats around making anyone it hits extremely tired, they always have a blue hue about them but other colors have been seen.
Now more about her form and size, she is a kitsune, demon, and angel in appearance and aura, but has unique traits as well, she stands at about 5' and weighs around 90lbs, though when she does things she can weigh drastically more... Behind her not seen in the image would be twelve kitsune tails, very soft, slick, and fluffy tails, all real. She black wings are capable of growing and splitting into three pairs of giant starry wings, though when examined, one can see the Islands of Mirakai in them as well as the residents moving about if one has telescopic vision. Those claws you see coming from her sleeves are just as they appear, claws connected to furry and strong looking arms of a type of beast connected to that body of hers. Those two things of hair sticking out either side of her head are really furry ears as well and twitches when she is confused or half asleep and bothered... She is capable of growing in size to colossal proportions, more normally with her arms, tails, and wings though, and her insides are really massive, like everything that enters will feel as if they have become one-one-thousandth their size, oh speaking of things finding their way inside her, she has a special process of finishing meals only to be found out in rp. Now one more thing about her, I may always refer to her as she and she may have a girly voice, even form, but she is really a he, and even after you figure that out I will still be using she when referring to her.