Name: Dasha Alexandrovna Petrova
Age: 29
Race: Human
Nationality: Arstotzkan
Occupation: Checkpoint Inspector
"Protect Border; Uphold the Nation!"
Dasha Alexandrova Petrov is a Checkpoint Inspector on the new Nexus/Arstotzka border. It is her job to check passports, work IDs, entry papers, supplemental IDs if necessary, asylum requisition forms, diplomatic envoy authentication papers, and cross reference them to either accept or deny entrants to Arstotzka.
She is clearly based off the Inspector from Papers Please, so don't bother pointing it out :P There is one major difference, however, from the game. If Ms. Alexandrovna detains your character, you will almost definitely end up digesting away in her stomach, giving her a little bit of fun in her mundane job. Remember; she has to be here all day, so if you could squirm for her that would be appreciated on your way to oblivion. :3

This is a Papers Please fancharacter who will process your paperwork and, in most situations, "detain" your character, taking them into another room and engaging in vore. It is possible to pred on the Inspector! You would probably want to get her out of her Checkpoint though, as she has leather-clad female guards to back her up while she's there. Whisper for any questions :3
The Vore Acceptance Paper:
Vore Acceptance Papers
Name; Last_____________________ First:_________________________________
Age: ______________ Home Address:________________________ Apt:# _______
Congratulations on being captured and detained by the nation of Arstotzka! Glory to Arstotzka! As a captured and detained suspect, you are authorized to take part in the new vore initiative. As such; you will be subject to such effects as; tasting, seasoning, death, size reallocation, digestion, taunting, disposal, pain, humiliation, body modification, extensive genetic therapy, and joy! This is a mandatory initiative but we thank you for your participation. Please select the most opportune method of Vore below.
Oral Vore
Anal Vore
Being Shot in the Chest (Note; may not be vore)
Torture followed by OV or AV (Default Setting)
Request for TF (Must fill out TF Request papers. Papers not provided.)
If you have and can provide a valid Class-7 Voriphilia permit then you will be allowed to select from this section as well. Show permit to the Inspector who captured you.
Breast Vore
Pain Avoidance combined with OV or AV
Being Shot in the Head. (Note; may not be vore)
Please mark your selection and hand papers to Inspector for verification and validation.
Glory to Arstotzka!
_________________________________________________ / __________________
Inspector Date
The Class-7 Vore Permit
Class-7 Voriphilia Permit
Your picture here
Name:_____________________ Age:___________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____
Gender:___________ Occupation:______________ Reason for Permit:_________________________________________
This permit certifies that -your-name-here has taken the initiative to seek out and obtain a permit in the unlikely chance they are detained crossing the nexxus border. They were given this certification for service to Arstotzka. As such they should be permitted all rights and honors entitled by possession of this permit.
TF (Transformation) Request Papers
Name; Last_____________________ First:_________________________________
Age: ______________ Home Address:________________________ Apt:# _______
Congratulations on your imprisonment! With papers properly processed you can look forward to an entire life of inanimate service!
Please select preferred TF form for the rest of your new life.
(Note: Preference may not be honored.)
Panties (Must select lacy or thong)
Cake batter
Corpse (Note: May just be getting shot)
Sweat rag
Sex Toy(For Arstotzkan Citizens ONLY!)
Note: TF Machine is for punishment-uses only. It is not intended for kinky fun between guards or other Government servants. Punishment for misuse is transformation.
Please mark your selection and hand papers to Inspector for verification and validation.
Glory to Arstotzka!
_________________________________________________ __________________
Inspector / Date
Enjoy your new life as an object. It is what you deserve.
Glory to Arstotzka!

Cobrastan not real Country! Even if it were; none of them would be needed in Arstotzka!
Glory to Arstotzka!