One of many
Name: Illiamdia Barindar
Age: 128
Alias (alternate name): Liia
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 103lbs
Race: Drow
Permavored, finding herself now as padding for
Ahri_'s breasts.
Living a life as a drow on the surface, constantly in hiding, and careful who she talks to, Liia has been brought up under the teachings of Eilistraee, travelling with her mother and father. She discovered her sorcerous talents in her young age, and was guided by her mother who shared the same ability. In some time, she found that she had surpassed her mother, who shared her focus with swordplay. Illiamdia however, sought to improve her magic instead of taking up the sword, concentrating on her magical powers of persuassion.
At a young age, Illiamdia found herself becoming curious about the world about her, and eventually, the world beneath her, the world her ancestors originated from. She would ask questions of her mother and father, both who would answer her with tales of horrific beasts who dwelt in the darkness, among other things and instead of finding her questions answered, she found herself with more. It eventually came to a point where she wasn't getting any of the answers she wanted, so she decided that she would slip off in the night, and search for the answers herself.
The night she left, she found herself alone, and cursing herself for leaving without much in the way of supplies. She wandered until she came upon a road and saw in the distance a small village, where before entering she created an arcane disguise upon herself, and headed toward the inn. Renting a room for the night with what little money she had, she went upstairs to sleep. However, not long later, there was a ruckus down the stairs, and going down to investigate, she noticed a young human woman beset by three rather burly men. She was able to weave through them, but one of the men managed to catch her by the hood before she got to the door. Casting a flash of light in front of the men, she raced down and grabbed the girl's arm, running out of the door.
A few streets away from the inn, she turned into an alley, where she made sure they weren't being followed before turning to the girl. She looked back at her, and looked shocked, so Liia placed a hand on the girl's shoulder to calm her down, and realised what she saw. Her spell had expired, and her skin had returned to it's obsidian colour. Putting her hands up to show she meant no harm, she eventually managed to calm her down and she introduced herself. The girl replied in kind, saying her name was Saria.
That night was the first of many times that she would meet other adventurers and even when some left, Liia and Saria were practically inseperable. They would help many people, find great relics, and defeat great foes. However, one night years down the road, everything changed. The group was hounded by a necromancer who claimed one of the artifacts the group had found actually belonged to him, and he decided that night to pay the party a personal visit. He was defeated, but it came with a great price, for only Liia and Saria survived the fight. Even then, Saria had been fatally wounded in the fight, and holding her in her arms, Liia professed her love for the rogue, and placed a kiss upon the girl's lips. She reciprocated the kiss, and with her last breath, replied "I love you too", dying in Liia's arms. The nights that followed Liia cried herself to sleep.
Liia's chance to go to the Underdark came the following month, and although she was unsure about what she would do when she got there, she still joined a group which was heading there. Another reason to remain with the group came in the shape of a woman from another plane. They became fast friends then something more over the course of their journey toward the caves leading to the Underdark. However, once they made it into the caves and came ever closer to their destination, she decided she wasn't ready to venture into the unknown darkness, and in a panicked state of mind, escaped the Underdark using a scroll she carried and left her newfound love behind. The night after, she realised her mistake, and thought to return. However, not knowing the way, and being alone was not best for her, especially with what manner of creature was down there. Wiping away a lone tear from her cheek, she made camp.
Over the following week, Liia wandered alone, paying little heed to the world around her. She found her way to a port town where she cast her disguise, and headed to an inn for the night. In the morning, she encountered a priest who managed to see through her disguise, and instead of raising the alarm, he saw that she was the proverbial black sheep of her race and requested her assistance. She agreed, and was taken to meet the rest of the group. They took a boat to a city in the south, and upon docking again, they headed into the wilderness.
Some months later, they found the target of their quest, an evil warlock who was responsible for the death of their previous spellcaster. In their pursuit, they found themselves heading further south, even as far as the Marching Mountains of Calimshan. There, they finally got vengence, and on their return, stopped off in a town, where Liia heard a legend of a creature which posessed unnatural beauty and charm. She decided she would meet her, so left the group she was with for they had decided to stay put for some time, and set out in search for the fabled creature. The further she ventured however, the more things seemed strangely different to how they were previously...