Eliza(right) and Aliza(left), a Dullahan who has two heads instead of one, and they have slightly different personalities as well, but that body is both of theirs. She specilizes in the blade, spear, and bow, and also has flight capable magic and enchanted gear. She has no arms or legs but the gear she has is all connected, and allows her to control her guantlets and greaves with mere thoghts, and her flight magic is surely important, able to levitate her body and heads in mid air, her gear allows enhanced abilities with this as well. Anyway enough on her there...

???, this lady is a type of hero or something, someone who can't be pernamently killed by anything, whether it be by physical or soul breaking means, she can't die... maybe she is cursed by immortality or something... Seems she is only proficient with the short sword as well, or swords of similar size as it...