Another entry in

Name Idriya Fennel
Age 22
Height 5'3
Occupation Cleaning Service/Maid for Zuri Services.
"Hey, my eyes are so up here!"
It's not like she -asked- for it. Idriya does come from a long line of 'well endowed' women.
And, sure, okay, her father's side of the family is no slouch in the chest department. So she does come by it righteously,
meaning, that, at the very least, her parents knew where to go to get the clothes (and bras) she'd need to fit her body
later in life.

Right up until she turned fifteen, and puberty hit her in full force.
Within the space of the onset and her sixteenth birthday, poor Idriya went from flat as a board straight through 'pubescent'
and all the way up to 'overflowing with bust'. The rest of her body followed suit with her development, ripening with such
sudden speed that it caught everyone by surprise. As one might imagine, she had a lot of difficulty adjusting to her new body.
The doctors recommended she start a regimen of strengthening exercises for her back, legs, and arms, to avoid the potential
problem of injuring herself just with her own weight. That year was hard in more ways than once, as she was working out and
training for most of it, even as she was forced to adapt to her rapidly changing body, center of balance, and self image.
The change itself threw everything off. Her friends couldn't stand how much she'd changed, nor the stares, whispers and taunts
that came her way once she returned to school. Idriya soon found herself eating alone at lunch, and practically made an outcast
overnight. Sports, despite her training regimen, became difficult for any number of reasons. Her bountiful chest, the jealous,
angry, or mocking stares of her team-mates, and the pranks that happened in the locker room when she was undressing.
Even her school work suffered, perhaps owed to her own deteriorating social life, or damaged self-image. Certainly, she had more
on her mind than homework and studying, and was sliding toward depression with each day. Nothing her parents said or did to try
and make her feel better seemed to work, and the gradually swelling romantic interests of the male student population, and
related jokes and pranks, didn't help.
She was a year from graduating when she decided she'd had enough. If she couldn't live normally there, than she didn't want to be
there any more. Her parents and teachers were surprised at the way she suddenly began to take a renewed interest in school work,
as well as beginning her physical training regimen anew, with increased vigor.
What surprised them more, no doubt, was when she ran away. A suitcase full of her new clothes, whatever money she found, borrowed,
saved or stole and a few items of personal value. She left a note behind, though it wasn't much help, stating, simply, "I'm going
to go and prove I'm more than a set of boobs. Please don't worry, I'm not in danger. I'll write when I'm settled."
During her travels, many of which came by bus or train, to get from city to city, she did research. Her family line was long, and
surprisingly well documented, many of her ancestors known as pinups, models, actresses and the like. She found short hints of
something -more- in her genetic legacy, that maybe a bountiful chest wasn't the only predisposition she inherited. She was good
student, a relatively talented athlete, and there were rumors she'd heard that along with a expansive bust, her line of genetic
inheritance was prone to such incredible things as the use of -magic-, and the powers of witchcraft.
Idriya is currently a relatively normal 22 year old girl. She's working for a cleaning/maid service called Zuri Industries,
though she hates trading on her looks. She is, perhaps, somewhat stronger than one might expect, owing to her continuing
regimen of body-strengthening exercises, but nothing superhuman or truly abnormal. She possesses no current ability to
consume others, use magic, if indeed she truly can, or anything else, other than her body, that makes her special.
But she wants to learn. Badly. She has a bit of a complex about her body, and the only way she thinks she can avoid
people thinking of her as nothing but a pair of breasts is to excel in everything and anything else.
She's been given access to Scherazade's library, and has begun training her modest skills in earnest.
While she's still inexperienced, simple magics are no longer beyond her grasp.
Simple spells such as: Light, Still Image and Create Water are in her library.
The next on her list are 'Alter Self' and 'Enlarge/Reduce', though their effects may not go perfectly. She also seems to be dating
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Willing |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Unwilling |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Whisper |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |