
Koukuji_Family got another songstress on board! ...Sonia_Strumm will not be pleased.

Somewhere in the forests of Unova, Pokemon gather to hear the melodic voice of the Meloetta. She welcomes them with a smile, then sings a variety of lovely, soothing songs for her audience. She was a very gentle, caring creature, and it was made clear in the tunes she sang. ...That is, until she begins a song she heard somewhere in the city, and the Pokemon become a little tense. Upon completion, her body suddenly transforms, and the sweet young 'girl' became a bit of a ruffian...

That is Hulahana's little problem. Whenever she uses Relic Song, she changes into her Pirouette Forme, and her personality does a complete 180. The Meloetta's quite the sweetheart in Aria Forme, almost always smiling, helping others, and often giving out hugs! But in Pirouette Forme... the main thing she 'gives' are headaches, bruises, and one time, even broken bones. But the strangest thing is, neither side of her is aware that the other exists! This tends to cause confusion to every new friend Aria!Hana makes, who are mistaken as stalkers by Piro!Hana. Those poor fools...

If you ever have the (mis)fortune of running into this Pokemon, make sure you pay attention to what form she's in.

Green is Aria, Orange is Pirouette.



Wait a minute, this sounds awfully familiar...