Everyone knows the classic story of the Princess in Peril. The |insert villain/monster type here| has captured the |insert praise here| princess, and taken her away to |insert lair type here|, to |insert villainous scheme here|. The only thing to stop |villain/monster| is the Hero! And, after the final battle, the Hero and the Princess live happily ever after, or some other such nonsense.
... that's most likely NEVER going to be a story of Hoshiko's. At least, not on the side of the princess. She's a hero, dammit! So what if she's a woman?
Standing fully five and a half feet tall, with dark red hair, golden eyes, and caramel skin, and weighing perhaps a bit more than the average woman of her height, Hoshiko is obviously not your typical princess. Where many princesses are... let's say 'gently cared for', and enjoy a life of luxury, Hoshiko has obviously seen a number of perils, and untold numbers of hours in training. Where most princesses tend to be somewhat soft, even if they're healthy, Hoshiko sports well-defined abs, or would if you could see them. Where most are unblemished, Hoshiko has a number of scars, including one on her left cheekbone and one on said toned belly. Where most are far more likely to be in an elegant dress or some nice, appealing silks, Hoshiko is perfectly at home in leather and chainmail.
Yes, if you'd not already figured it out, Hoshiko is a Warrior Princess. More specifically, in the finest traditions of her homeland, she's a Heroic Princess! Lesser princes and princesses, the sort which are typically married off for political alliance, are instead groomed to become Heroes. Adventurers in service to the Crown, mediators in disputes between nobles and with neighboring kingdoms, warriors when called upon, they're often excellently trained in martial arts, magic, or both, as well as a number of diplomatic talents. They can often understand certain ancient languages, as well as modern ones, and have a knowledge of medical skills, herbalism, and smithing that surprises people who aren't familiar with them. In short... they've the best training possible for the jobs they might have to do.
Mind, some take to it more than others. Hoshiko's younger sister, for example, often wishes she could have been a more important princess, but Hoshiko herself... well, she was always a spirited one. She never wanted to wear dresses, never really seemed to have much interest in boys, and, truthfully, got into more trouble than they ever did. She was a natural fit as an Adventurer, and when she turned eighteen, she was as ready as they could make her for the task. So, naturally, they armed and equipped her for the job.
Naturally, as a princess, her equipment is the best for her needs that money can buy. She's got armor, clothing, and weaponry. Said armor consists of a red, metallic gauntlet worn on her left arm, and a long, silvery chain shirt that comes down to just under her rear, segmented to allow for easy leg movement. Her clothing is simple and comfortable, being a tight black undershirt to prevent chafing, durable brown leather pants that allow a small measure of protection from weapons and a better measure from most natural sources of scratches and the like, sturdy boots, and a purple and silver tunic to wear over the chain shirt. She also has a hat, but never wears it. And, of course, she has a sword, a simple, medium-length Jian with a 22-inch blade. In addition, not being armor, nor, strictly speaking clothing, she's got a golden circlet she wears, set with a red stone, which positions said stone right over her third eye.
Of course, as an adventurer, she needs more than just this. There's always those tricky dungeons, and those hard to reach places, and frankly, she needs a SHIELD, too, just in case. She gets around this through her gauntlet. Unlike a simple piece of armor, this one is actually a well-refined mechanism. Mounted into the device is a folding disk that can unfold into a buckler with about a foot and a half diameter. It can fold out or back up in less than a second, allowing for excellent reflex protection. As well, there's a circular knob near her elbow on the gauntlet, about six inches in diameter, which contains a long length of very fine, very STRONG chain. This is attached to the folding disk, and its purpose becomes clear when she uses it: That disk, folded into a wedge, functions just like a hookshot! And, as well, it has other uses, but you can find out about those later.
For the most part, Hoshi acts as an adventurer. She doesn't ask for coin, like mercenaries(though she won't turn down part of a treasure find), nor is she as... unscrupulous, as those can be. She has her standards, and upholds them QUITE rigorously, though she doesn't follow the law as strictly as some may, which surprises many. What also surprises people, though, is that she isn't a simple warrior.
See, she's one of those few(relatively, anyway, one in twenty or thirty) Heroic Royals who can use magic(which explains that circlet: It's a magical amplifier). Which is odd, because no one on her father's side of the family has shown any ability to use magic. Her mother, a warrior woman from the desert, doesn't use magic either... but there are magical traces in her lineage. She doesn't talk about them much, though she did seem worried when her child proved to have magical aptitude...
Anyway. Enough about that!
Personality-wise, Hoshiko could be described as a tomboy. She's not one for girly things, she solves problems for herself, and really, there's not much she won't try to do for herself, when push comes to shove. She's a competent fighter, a skilled mage, and, when push comes to shove, she's not afraid of ANYTHING.
Except Spiders. Not even the big ones. Wolf-spider sized, though, and she gets as squealy as any girl!
Ask me about:
Zelda Settings
Rescuing Princes/Princesses
Slaying Monsters
Being Eaten by Monsters
Being Eaten by Princes/Princesses
Bad Ends
Surprise Twists
What, exactly, her magic can do
And anything else, I suppose. Just keep it OOC, eh?