
Greetings and welcome to the Biolabs. Here, you may purchase a Homunculus to your liking. While we have several templates to offer, the design details can be altered to your liking.

They aren't legally human and are considered your property, so you're free to do anything you want with yours - whether they live or die, how they are treated, etc. are entirely up to you, they don't have rights and we won't judge. You're allowed to order as many as you think you can handle... we can always make more, if you catch my drift here.

On the other hand, please be warned that homunculi are driven almost purely by instinct; despite advanced intelligence, you're pretty much just getting a newborn considering we create one for you on the spot - but their bodies will be adolescent. This means their hormones will be pretty rampant and inevitably badly balanced leading to potential unstable behavior...

Finally, it should be noted that we do not produce female homunculi. You may ask for some female characteristics, but we will not produce functionally and fertile females - we do NOT want them to reproduce among themselves.

Your homunculus might be drawn if I feel like it. You may ask for it. Drawings of homunculi can be used in any way you like, lets not act like random drawings on the internet can be considered "art" worth being "personal property".

(Scroll down for more.)

The Biolabs hold no responsibility for customers being inconvenienced directly or indirectly by a homunculus, you are buying one at your own risk as stated in the contract which is mandatory for the purchase of one. If you get injured, eaten, raped, stuffed into oversized genitalia, your favorite tea set broken or all of the above at once by our homunculi, it's your own damn problem. Now that we have an understanding, please take a look at the available specimens:


Fairly standard, it's anatomically identical to a human, though the body is far more matured than the mind. They're still quite intelligent for their age, you might be able to teach it a thing or two within minutes.


Ever wanted to see a person with heads instead of feet? Hilarious, I tell you! We also once made one that breathed fire on it's own ass an-*ahem*, excuse me, I got carried away here. Anyways, if you want body parts modified, altered, swapped, palette swapped, multiplied, etc. we can do it to your liking. If you want, we can also make the tissue incredibly flexible and elastic... or hard as rock... or totally brittle, just remember not to drop your homunculus if we do that one!


We can easily add animal characteristics, even behavior to your homunculus at request, be as specific as you want.


Just like with animal attributes, we can also give them plant attributes. They'll be sentient plants though, and might not be plant all over.


These seem pretty high in demand, I don't quite get why but... oh well, we ain't judgin'. How you want your tentacles is up to you, we have a huge variety here!


Those? Those were just templates. Your fantasy is the limit here, really! So feel free to make what the hell ever you wa-WHAT IN THE NAME OF