Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Human
General Location(s): Hinamizawa
Basic Overview
A young girl from the backwoods country town of Hinamizawa. Satoko's parents were supporters of the Dam Project in Hinamizawa and were shunned by all villagers. They were called "traitors" because most of the town was decidedly against the dam project, as it would flood Hinamizawa. Because of their parents' standing, Satoko and her older brother Satoshi were distrusted by most of the village as well. Satoko's parents were killed falling off a cliff, after being pushed off by a deranged Satoko. Afterwards, she and Satoshi were taken in by their uncle and aunt, Hōjō Teppei and Tamae, respectively. Satoko was abused during that time and always clung to her brother. When the Watanagashi Festival came around, Tamae was killed and a drunk bum was charged for her murder, though many believe Satoshi had killed her to protect his sister. Satoshi then disappeared, Teppei fled to Okinomiya and Satoko started living with her recently orphaned friend Furude Rika.
Satoko, despite her past, is an energetic and playful girl
. She has a very distinctive laugh, and loves to set traps to play pranks on her friends (mostly on Maebara Keiichi)
. Her traps can be dangerous, however, as some traps she set can actually prove to be fatal. Satoko can be incredibly analytical and intuitive at times; in Tsumihoroboshi-hen when Rena held the school hostage, Satoko was able to completely map out the blueprint of the school and the location of the bomb in her head, as well as connect all of the various clues together, especially pieces of seemingly-useless information, such as what types of containers were used to hold the gasoline Rena used, the reason a students' ball went missing, how the drain canal runs and how and where the bomb was set up
Likes: Hojou Satoshi (first and foremost), setting traps, her friends within 'The Club'.
Dislikes: Brocolli, her uncle.
= Coming Soon =
Combat Abilities
Trapmaster: Satoko is well known (to some, infamous) for her exceptional knowledge of traps and how/where to set them. For this reason, Satoko is able to freely manipulate how strong her traps can be. Some can be an annoyance which are used to slow down or hinder an opponent, others are downright fatal. With Satoko, it pays to be alert, especially in a wide open area.
Saboteur Girl: Playing close into her knowledge of traps and trap setting, Satoko boasts an equally potent knack in the art of sabotage. While she doesn't have much knowledge on computer sabotage (clearly due to her location and time period from which she comes from), traditional sabotage such as loosening wires and basic tampering are all fair game for her and so long as it's held together by such means, Satoko can fuck it up.
Latent Attributes
Analytical Mind: As stated above, Satoko has a strong sense of analysis and deduction, this allowing her to piece things together quickly and figure things out quicker. Works rather well with her ability of sabotage and trapsetting.
Youthful Strength: While not always used unless under bouts of extreme stress, Satoko does seem to posses extraoridinary amounts of physical strength.
Cat Pysche: While not meaning she has a cat like mind, Satoko does have senses that borderline on a feline spectrum.
Alternate Satokos*
Spoilers kinda. Read down at your own risk if you haven't gone all the way into Higurashi.
- Simply put alternate forms of Satoko that appear through 'world hopping' and entering 'alternate Hinamizawas'. Unlike
Beato, Satoko can't transform into these forms at will. Each Satoko below is a Satoko from an alternate world where one (or perhaps several things) about Hinamizawa have changed.

Fatty-Satoko: An alternate Satoko that hails from a Hinamizawa in which human canabilism is widely accepted among the civilizians and most outsiders are devoured by the villagers. Some are especially ravenous/ which, Satoko falls under. This Satoko often times uses her traps to ensnare prey and gobble them up whenever she catches them.
+ Unique Traits? +
Experienced Predator: There's a reason Satoko's so pudgy...okay, some of it IS due to all the sweets and junk food, but most of is thanks all in part by her success as a predator. While a little too young to restrain those older than her, Satoko's traps more than make up for their ability to disable a large meal for her to feast on.
Bigger is Better~!: While normal Satoko would probably be reeling at the fact that she's gained so much weight, Fatty!Satoko is quite proud of her size and isn't above 'throwing her weight around' to show it. While appearing as an arrogant and boastful action, actually quite dangerous as it plays very well into Satoko's unusual strength for her size and age. With that said, Satoko is alot heavier than she appears and only seems to grow stronger the fatter she gets.
Aegis Tummy: An ability that's not exclusive to Satoko but, is strongest within her. With this trait, Satoko's stomach and digestive tract is far more elastic than normal and, as a result, can take in larger meals as well as digest them. Struggling in Satoko's stomach usually does very little in producing any favorable results toward the prey trapped inside...
[Picture Coming Soon]
Adult-Satoko: An older version of Satoko that grew up along side her friend, Furude Rika. While she retains some of her qualities from when she was younger, she also has developed a rather...predatory impulse.
+ Unique Traits? +
Shared with normal Satoko.

Mahou-Satoko: An alternate Satoko that comes from an...odd Hinamizawa, one that seems to have adopted the concept(s) of any mahou shojou anime allowing her to transform into what's shown above. In this form, Satoko is granted with the ability to use various magical attacks that center in and around her skills as a trap setter. Take note, Mahou-Satoko appears as normal Satoko but has to transform into this form to gain access to all of these abilities.
+ Unique Traits? +
Magi-Trap: An ability stemming from Satoko's knowledge of trap-setting. With this, she is able to magically manifest traps from the space around her as opposed to having to set them up herself.
Vore Traits, Kinks, Other fetish-y mess
I Can't Swallow That!: Only seems to pretain to normal Satoko who does have the ability to eat others (thanks to vore logic), but due to her living in a society that has all but abandoned it's barbaric practices and shuns the act of devouring another as taboo, you can expect her to be a bit of an 'unwilling pred'. Unfortunately, even if she's convinced into eating someone this doesn't always mean the initial digestion will be a pleasent/easy one. This is all due to the fact that Satoko's (largely human) GI tract is not used to meals bigger than herself. In due time, it will all digest, but poor Satoko will have to endure bouts of indigestion and gas while her overtaxed tummy works on the immense amount of meat. Don't even get her statred on what'll happen once it all hits her colon...or how much weight she'll put on...
Tewi: Has a student/master relationship with the prankster bunny girl. After some time of trying to best her, Satoko finally managed to trap Tewi. As a treat, Tewi gave herself to Satoko as a meal.
OOC Notes/Junk
+ Anything here can be found on my main profile
Circle_of_Jermod, and most of my preferances are about the same for this character as they are for my other ones. Satoko is an even split between pred/prey.
+ Same ol' 'there are things that aren't canon here' bullshit. Just having fun with my fetishes :T
+ Not entirely as polished as I'd want, but still finished enough to be avaliable for RP.
+ A fan-character in cahoots with the
Circle_of_Jermod, of course~