
Hisako was born as a slave and raised as such.
At a young age, she witnessed her mother being sold to another master, only to be raised as her current's new toy. Whatever happened to her mother after, even to this day, she does not know.
Raised sternly to only serve the one who owns her, Hisako, or Hisa, as she has been trained to call herself, was at a loss when she found herself to be without a master.
At the age of 16, a group of masked people took her from her owner's domain, along with the other slaves he had kept. That night, however, Hisa was overwhelmed with the new sights and sounds of the outside world and had wandered from her saviors.
Although she had very little experience on how to survive on her own, she has managed to for two years.
But even though she does enjoy the outdoors and her freedom, she feels a constant longing and emptiness...
Where is the one she can call 'master?'
Hisako is a rather small girl, only standing at an even 3' 8'' while wearing no shoes. From the front, she appears to only have a short bub-cut type hairstyle, but her hair is actually quite long. A strong strap keeps much of her hair in a thin ponytail that opens up at the bottom of her waist, only to reveal a puff of hair that reaches just beyond her feet. This blends well with the long, fluffy tail attached to her hind end, which shares the same color as her hair. The two large ears upon her head are especially good for hearing her master's instructions, but this also means they are surprisingly sensitive. When yelled at, or if there is a loud noise, Hisa, often times against her will, will cover her ears or wrap her bow around them in hopes that she will not go deaf, or the pain will stop.
The bow strapped to the back of her head is quite large itself as well. The color compliments that of the dark colored collar around her neck. If someone were to try and remove either of these items against her will, she would struggle and fight until the person gave up, since she considers these two items to be part of her, so to speak.
The bow, she received as a gift from her mother. Even though she received it when she was only five years of age, and it was worn around her back due to it's size, it is the only momento she has. The collar is also something that her mother put on her, but it was due to their master ordering it, to show she was a 'pet,' in his terms. She refuses to take it off due to it not only being put on her by her own mother, but because she believes it shows her true nature as a servant.
The bandages around her body are not only to conceal her private areas, since she was never given any real undergarments, but to also cover the wounds she had received in the past. While they do not cover nearly as much as they should, they remind her of where her scars are, and of her memories.
Her garments barely show her status as a servant. A beautiful, well kept black kimono with deep crimson trim and dark pink flower petals that looks to be blowing in a gentle wind... While she was a slave, her master requested that his servants at least kept a good appearance around him.
Her large red eyes do not help to prove her true age in the least. The same goes for her pale, yet soft skin. Feeling as soft as a child's, next to none have actually believed her when Hisako spoke her age. But with no proof, she could not convince them. But this did not bother her.
Being a servant, she has been trained to accept what others say to her. She will listen, nod, and do what is asked. Whatever it may be. With the limitations of her bow and collar, of course. But even with that said, she refuses to cause harm to others. Even though she herself was abused, she feels a deep regret and almost a hatred for the one she knows to be doing said abuse. These feelings are especially difficult when she finds the person to be her master...
That is why she hopes to find one that will accept her, as well as love her. Hisako felt nothing for the ones who rescued her, and would have, in fact, rather have stayed at the mansion where she was kept. Each day that goes by without someone calling her name, her saying 'Yes Master,' or someone holding her collar as a sign of ownership, she feels a growing emptiness which she hopes to someday fill.
She knows it is not an easily accepted trait among many people in the society, but the knowledge of how she cannot deny who she truly is is even stronger.
Hisako is a slave. She knows this and has accepted this as her existence.
(If you would like to be her master, please send me a message.)
(Also, if you don't want to be put on the list as an owner, just tell me.)
Since I know not everyone is on when I am, Hisa will be allowed to have multiple masters.
She will not have memories / changes of the other when with one.
You do not need to be her master to RP with her. If you just want a normal one, that is fine to.
Current Masters
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