This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
alt of
Character is RETIRED from Role Playing in any way, Shape or form aside from the OOC room, or when open to approach and in the public eye.
Please do not whisper me and Ask for an RP. Thank you.
OOC note:
Light hearted character Designed for Light hearted play, general sillyness, and insainity.----
Very simple ground rules. I frown on Hardvore, hardcore Mutalation, Ageplay. However the first 2 are perfectly acceptible durring combat and last one I have decided to be less strict toward.
You Play your Character, I Play My Character, Lets see where the Chips land.
aside from that, Hiroku, the character herself, Is very very rarely a willing meal. this is mainly because of her Hidden Fear of enclosed places.
Stats: ((WIP))
Hiroku Bio
Name: Hyroku
Age: Late teens/ early 20s
Race: Dilawarian (Human)
Class: Fallen Hero, Hero Class Chosen-one.
Rank: Trainie
Height: 5'7
Wieght: 125 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: a Natural Baby Blue, wheres Blood red contacts as part of new Ebilness uniform.
Attribute Overview
Strength: Insaine
Dexterity: Fairly Good.
Constitution: Great
Intelligence: Average
Wisdom: Low
Charisma: Great.. well, she thinks it is anyway.
Hiroku is a Knight from a very very strange realm... A realm where Goodly knights and Ebil villains are Unionized. Though as far as jobs in the Realm of Dilawar its not so bad. Once you get past the Strict Guidelines, Codes of Conduct, Rules of Engagment, and Endless piles paperwork upon not adhearing to them. But hey, it pays the bills right? Well for Hiroku it was more than that. For all she ever wanted to be for her entire life was a Goodly Knight.
Hiroku got to live her dream for a time, She graduated with honors from the
School of good-tempered Squires and was proptly declared the Honor of being a
Chosen one for an Important quest, one of the highest honors a Goodly knight could hope for. Accompanyed by her magic sword,
the Vore-blade, Hiroku quickly made head way in her quest to gather up the
12 cylinders of power to save
Princeses Anaric.
However, It was not to last... After managing to gather 2 cylinders by fate, and one by gift of its guardian,
Kyu. It was discovered that Hiroku, had bedded with the Huralite*-Prince
DenkaLaharl. the Scandel shook Dilawar to its foundations..headlining in every presentable paper and scandelous rag for weeks on end. And after a short and laughable trail, Hiroku was Disgraced and Labled as a
Fallen Hero**. Forbiding her to ever regain her once proud title of
Goodly Knight and forcing her to seek employment at
the legion of Doom and Ill-Will. Revial of her pervious employer
the Commity of Goody-Goody Shoeidness and her only option if she wished to keep practicing her craft of Knighthood.
* the dilawarian word for a Demon or Daemon. the culture has yet to distingish the differance.
** the bill to make the term
Fallen Hero less gender biasis is still be looked at by the high council.
Destription: ((picture is accuirate))
-- Hiroku the VoreBlade, our late teen/ early twentys looking heroine, Is dressed in an attire of armor. well..... kind of. Though it resembles more off a metalilc bikini with over sized anime-like Gloves boots, and 1 shoulder pad; than somthing offering any real protection. She Also has A belt around her waist containing the current cylinders of Power she has manged to gather, as well a beltpouch hanging across her backside. ----

the Vore Blade:
an oversized Sword spanning about 7 feet in length, and about 1 1/2 feet in width. within the base of the sword, right above the hilt, there is a circular hole in the center of the blade just big enough to place in one of the cylindrical objects hanging from her belt. Depending on the particual cylander that is in the base of the blade, the sword has differant mystic properties.
The Flute of Vagabond:
a small wooden flute with the Power send the Player Between Dimenions. the Park, or the Park lands, as she calls it. is Not her home plane.
Orb of Guidence:
Hand sized Green orb that points to Tablet locks, Which are the Key holes to where the Cylinders of power are held.
Cylinders of power in Hyrokus Possession:
Cylinder of the Fey:
The hand guard of the Voreblade Becomes a pair of oversized Butterfly Wings, The Blade itself narrows slightly and becomes a little longer as well as turning an light tindge of Pink.
The odd propertie of this powerup is its ability to Shrink any Biological Mass matter upon its 'cutting threw'. However, it Loses the ability to accuily 'cut' and simples passes threw Living things without causing any harm, nor severing, Nor any pysical damage what so ever.
Each blow landed will shrink a creature approximently
6 inchs in height. Though an attack that would have cut of her foes head or impailed them threw the heart, will Shrink her foe down to the minimum size the Sword can shrink them down to. Which is Exactly 6 inchs in height. At this minimum height, the Defeated enemy becomes a sort of health item for Hyroku, regenerating her wounds if consumed.
Since with this powerup the Blade cannot 'cut', Nor effect any non-living matter. The Simplest t-shirt will act as the sturdyest of chainmail against it, though the Being struck will still feel the Impact of the force behind the blow. But if you take into account Hyroku's strength it might hurt much more than it would it simply had past threw.
Cylinder of the Dragon: (( Sword in Portrait ))
the Voreblade itself Looks Very much Like it Normaly does, However it Grows a Shark Like Mouth along the Blade. The Edge of the Blade itself Becomes Dull and unsharp, Giving the Voreblade the Properties more of a Club than a sword.
Aside from that, all the metal of Blade Turns a very Dark Metalic Color. Almost always seen as Pitch Black Unless in Direct Light, Where as it is a Dull dark grey.
the Mouth is Quite Capible of Opening up wide enough to Take in a man sized creature in one bite, as well as digesting Said Creature rather quickly. It is also Capible of Speach and Blowing Fire from its mouth.
Cylinder of the Angel: (lvl 1) (given to by Kyu, its guardian)
all of the Cylinders of Power
1. Fey: Found
2. Dragon: Found
3. Angel: Found
4. Daemon: open
5. Mountain: open
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
12. ???
DenkaLaharl: Signed contract to aquire Hiroku's sevices as his Vassel upon completeing of her current quest.
Kyu: the guardian of the Light Cylinder.
Karen: got beaten down by her and forcefuly eaten. Beware the Printer of Death!
Koalla_su - a strange girl Hiroku tryed to smite in the park. thanks to her, hiroku believes all school girls are part of a heroic organization.... and is scared to death of them.
Anim - strange fox person Hiroku assumed to be some kinda of shape shaping beast. He got away, injuring Hiroku in the process.
Current Rps:
Notes for the Player
Personal Notes so I dont Lose track of all this stuff. Dont worry if it doesnt make sence to you.
Dilawar: (place)
Dalamon: (creature)
Lord Doomy-sir-doom-doom-doom: (Being)
Lady Brings-Doomy-Doomness-to-things: (Being)
Burolisk: (creature)
Rockanite: (creature)
Huralite: (creature)
the Legion of Doom and Ill-will (Organization)
Princess Anaric: (Being)
Guild of nor-do-wells that guard mystic properied artifacts:(agentcy)
Commitity of goody-goody-to-shoeidness(agentcy)
realm of the fallen (Dimention)
Tablet Lock (misc)
the Tradicitional Noble Knight of Goodlyness's Handbook (GuideBook)