There's a lot of odd couples, in places like the Park, or Gensokyo. It's not surprising, of course. Whenever people of different races meet humans, it seems inevitable that they... well, get it on. That, or declare war.
So it should be no surprise that Nue and a cute human girl got it on, right?
No, what's probably surprising is that they had a kid, and she's SHY! ... well, not shy so much as slightly neurotic, and nervous about almost everything she does. She doesn't want to scare people, or appear monstrous, after all...
Meet Hikari Ayame. Her mom,
Hikari_Akemi, is a successful bake shop/tea house owner, and a kitchen master. Her dad... well. Her dad is
Houjuu_Nue. So it's no surprise that little Ayame is a bit... odd, is it? I mean, she's part-Nue!
Standing 5'2, weighing in at not a lot, and sporting the Nue wings, slitted eyes, and fangs, she obviously takes after her dad quite a bit. Though, her eyes are green, and no one knows where THAT came from. Right now, though, she's just trying to grow up, to fit in, and to not be too weird, even for Gensokyo. Good luck with that, right?
Alt by The Tower. Link below.