Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140
Bust size: 30 C cup.
Sexual orientation: Lesbian.
Occupation: Sexual wrestler.
Place of employment: The Pink Lotus
Ability's: she has the ability to make her self either look like she has someone in her body or can look flat, as well as store someones soul with in her mind keeping them forever with in her, though the lucky few may make her use the body sharing ability that she also has.
Here is a ling to where I got the idea to her ability's
What I am looking for: I am looking for a demonic woman to claim this demi as there personal play thing to do what ever they please to her body.
Bio: Hairietta is your average bunny demi with a nack for being not so average, as she was originaly born to a bunny family only to have them taken away by a pack of hungry neko's, though for some reason they did not eat Herietta maybe they saw something more in the small demi child that her parents could not at such a young age, so they took her and raised her up as one of there own, by the time she reached her teens it was apparent that she was any thing but a normal bunny as she would show signs of being a pred more then a prey, as she would eat her adopted siblings just for fun and to be slightly cruel to them for picking on her or pulling her ears. So her neko parents enrolled her into a school for her to refine her predding ability's and she did it in far shorter time then any had thought possible, and after she graduated she decided to go into wrestling so that she could show people that she was not your average bunny, though after three years she was kicked out of the normal wrestling circuits because of her tactics and the fact that every match ended another's life with in her body in one way or another, though she wises to return to the normal circuit to claim the champion ship title for her self.
Phallus stone: its a stone in the shape of a cock that gives Herietta the ability to make her self a herm.
Matches won:
Izurma_Kakoraghati claimed both as slaves.
Scout_Thompson claimed as a pet
Nefertii initiated into The Pink Lotus
Matches lost:
Vore Battle:
Oral vore [A holds B] >> [A puts B in mouth] >> [B enters A’s throat, taking 1hp constriction damage] >> [B enters stomach and takes 3hp of damage per turn and must roll a 16 or higher to escape.]
Unbirth [A holds B] >> [A begins unbirthing B] >> [B enters womb and takes 4hp of damage per turn. A 13 or higher must be rolled for escape.]
Anal vore [A holds B] >> [A begins anal voring B] >> [B is now completely in the anus of A, thus entering the large intestines of A] >> [B enters the first part of the small intestines of A] >> [B enters the second part of the large intestines of A] >> [B is stuck in her small intestines, where they take harsh constriction and digesting.] >>[B takes 2hp from constriction and digesting]
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