"Some say the world will end in fire,
some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor..."
I know you're not reading this, that's fine. You're probably looking down to see what I like to eat. Honestly a burger & beer would be great right now, but I'm sure that's not what you had in mind. Maybe I'm not the one you think needs feeding. Feel free to step up, I've probably already seen you and had an idea or two.
Still reading? You can't really want more can you?
What you see isn't necessarily what you get. Still, it'd be nice to know if you're thinking about me. My time's mostly spent owning my own business but that doesn't mean I don't get some time to myself, and I intend to enjoy what I have as much as I can. Occasionally that means looking for a little company, other times it means finding my own amusements. Keeps the micro population down.
Beast Complex: Society revolves around harmony between herbivores and carnivores but that doesn't mean
instincts have changed. Inside every carnivore lurks the urge to hunt, chase, and devour. The number of devouring incidents
is rising and tensions between herbivores & carnivores is growing. All it takes is one careless mistep for someone to
fall victim one night or vanish into the Black Market.
Blatant Beastars Fandom
Reluctant Pred: Eating people isn't polite but that doesn't mean there aren't some willing to tempt fate.
Maybe it's an urge to tempt death, maybe it's a fascination with predators, or maybe it's
just simple niavette. Whatever the cause, Helregann's fighting a loosing battle with his
own instincts. Does it help if he's sorry afterwards?
Soft Vore
Room to Spare: Have something to hide? Need somewhere to lay low? Granted it's
asking a bit much, but just maybe Siv can help you. The only question is what the price will be later,
or what it'll take to get your precious back from her. It's quite possible someone might find themself
lost for a time, kept like a pet. Or maybe a deferred snack. Just where would you hide your valuables?
Object Swallowing & Soft Vore
First Time: Maybe the world isn't used to vore, or maybe it's taboo. Whatever the
reason might be, tonight is someone's first time. An uncertain predator could have to face all the discomfort
of a sudden & large meal. Or maybe it's someone's first, and last, time experiencing just what it means
to be prey. No one quite knows what to expect, or how to act, but the reality is here. How do they deal with it?
Reluctant Predator
Dining Experience: Eating people isn't a big deal, or maybe it's just not a big deal to the predator.
The prey is eaten with as much personal attention as any other filling meal. Unfortuantely other things are eaten too.
Forced to share space with drinks and side dishes, the prey is now just another piece of food, a living morsel,
subjected to the rigors of digestion. Is this the end, will the prey accompany the pred throughout a typical day,
or will the poor thing be forced to survive the whole lengthy journey?
Food Related Vore
Accidents Happen: Hel gets into the most peculiar situations. Sometimes he doesn't really mean
for it to happen. Maybe something's happened with some sizeplay magic, or the predator just happens to be enormous.
Whatever the peculiar scenario he's hardly going to behave which means it's only a matter of time before those odd
sensations are found out. And just what will you do once the secret's out?
Accidental Vore
Accidents Happen: Sivaldr can't keep track of every little detail, especially the ones that scurry.
Just how a tiny thing got near her is up to. Were you stealing something? Sneaking somewhere? Or maybe just on the wrong
plate at the wrong time. Just whatever you were doing, it's gotten you into a tight situation. Will you try to get her
attention or just take advantage while you can?
Accidental Vore
Quick/Verbose Posts |
Public/Private |
Long Term/One-Shot RPs |
Romance/Errotica |
Gentle/Rough |
Flirting/Foreplay |
BDMS/Aftercare |
Sizeplay |
Experienced/ Inexperienced Partners |
NPC Characters |
Transformations |
Somewhere between canine and feline this creature came in to the world like a phoenix. Muscles made hard and lean with a fighter’s grace move beneath his pelt giving the impression of living flames. Sometimes the air rippled with heat around him stirring the golden mane spilling over his chest and back. A predator taller than most people would make anyone hesitate. His fangs peeked with every grin adding an extra edge to even the most inviting of smiles. The shelf life of clothing on this pryo-predator made it pointless to wear most of the time. If he needed to be modest a pair of jeans would do, provided they left his tail’s fluff trailing freely behind the lion-dog's swaggering hips.
A blend of leonine and canine features came in a decidedly feminine form. Her smile always seemed just a touch knowing and perhaps a little impish. Though she lacked a mane gold still spilled over her charcoal chest. More trailed behind her swaying hips. Orange and yellows rippled through most of her pelt giving the impression of living flames and the warmth around her only added to the illusion.
Being Pred |
+ --
Being Prey |
+ --
Types | |
Soft Vore |
+ --
+ --
Hard Vore |
+ --
+ --
Mawplay |
+ --
+ --
Tailhole |
+ --
+ --
Cockvore |
+ --
+ --
Unbirth |
+ --
+ --
Objects |
+ --
+ --
Extras | |
Willing |
+ --
+ --
Unwilling |
+ --
+ --
Reluctant Pred |
+ --
+ --
Unaware/ Accidental |
+ --
+ --
Strechy |
+ --
+ --
Realistic |
+ --
+ --
Food Related |
+ --
+ --
Endo |
+ --
+ --
Digestion |
+ --
+ --
Full Tour |
+ --
+ --
Forcefeeding |
+ --
+ --
Weight Gain |
+ --
+ --
I grew up in a shrine. Wood floors, sacred rites, and trinket shop; the works. I'm not the son of the priest, I'm the son of the temple dog. Generations of us lived and worked at the Summer's Reef Shrine as guardians. I mean, who really wants bite marks and burns when you get right down to it? And there's the belief that fire purifies evil spirits, like salt but with flash.
What it really comes down to is growing up with the temple monks making you scrub floors, wash out the laundry, and stand at attention for important rites. I know that sounds dull, and those bits were, but there were also the crazy weeks leading up to festivals and the shrine itself is on the most beautiful beach to be had, in my very humble opinion. It wasn't what people call normal growing but it was good.
Dad took things seriously. It wasn't just a place to live, everything was Temple Duty and Honor. Starting a cooking fire was Temple Duty and an Honor. Raking the leaves was Temple Duty and an Honor. Giving the head monk a hotfoot was not Temple Duty and I ought to be ashamed. He was serious a lot but I think being the top temple dog made him feel like he had to always be this larger than life example of what's right. I know we used to think he was invincible. It couldn't have been easy raising my sister & me on his own.
Well not completely on his own. The monks were part of the family too, even if they looked different. The head monk Ihro was a bit like a grandfather, he looked the part. Old, skinny, bald, and always smiling with this wrinkly face like an old apple left out in the sun. He never really scolded us as cubs, he just had this way of smiling and asking polite questions until you felt your tail pulling up between your legs and your ears hanging as low as they could reach. Nothing fazed Ihro (not even the hotfoot), but his smile looked a little tired any time we asked him about our mom.
Never knew her, she gave birth to twins and that was it. I've heard it said dad was never the same, who could blame him? He still managed to be there when we needed him and like I said, there was Ihro filling in the gaps. I still keep a watercolor of her in a picture frame (tempered glass and flame resistant, I'm not stupid) Ihro painted. He did one for each of us. Ihro said we should know her face in case we pass her in the next life.
Yes, twin sister. Obviously Sivaldr doesn't have my rugged charm but you can't win them all. We grew up together, got in trouble together, and fought like the little flame-blasting hellions we are. What? It's what cubs do, right? We figured out we could team up on our chores to finish early then it was off in the woods or down to the beach to play. As we grew up she turned into the business tycoon of the family, shrine maiden on the occasional weekend. As for me I'm usually on the road. Maybe I should be making the attempt at things like 'responsible' and having my own shop. There's just too much of the world to not try and see it all.
I grew up in the Summer's Reef Shrine with my twin brother, Helregann. Bringing us into the world was more than our mother could manage on her own so our father raised us, along with the monks. Dad was all about honor and discipline which I think ruffled Hel's fur the wrong way. I think he was just trying his best to give us everything he thought we'd need.
You see our family were the guardians of the shrine for generations. It sounds neat but really there's lots of ceremony and rules to follow. It's a bit like being a sacred statue, rolled out on special occasions and dusted the rest of the time. It's not a bad life, I just wanted to see if I could do more. I still help out on weekends as needed but to be honest a lot of my time goes into my business.
Grandmaster Ihro was a bit like a grandfather for us. A bald little, old man that always smiled no matter what happened. He usually talked to us in questions. Sounds weird I know but he had this way of making you think about what was happening instead of just doing things. Maybe it's a Zen habit? Like, he would never raise his voice even when my brother and I were catching koi from the shrine's pond. He just smiled and asked us if we were really that hungry. We weren't so he asked us if we needed the shrine's fish for something else. By the time he was done we'd both felt terrible for stealing the shrine's fish, which were quite dead by this point, and never touched them again.
Growing up with Helregann is a bit like living with a tornado. Nothing could ever be quiet or simple, it always had to be something dangerous and usually involved fire. I still don't know how we managed to avoid burning down the shrine. As wild as he could be, it was fun running through the woods or swimming at the beach with him. Even if I was born first he called me his 'little sister' on account of his height. It bothered me to no end but he always looked out for me. We spent most of our youth growing up together and I don't regret it, though he might regret the times I got even with my little-big brother.
I wouldn't mind spending more time with my family around the shrine. Maybe when things are a little more stable I can take some time away...
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I've usually got some roomLet's be honest, I'm not just here for the free eats Special Kinks *Accidental vore *Belly play, inside or out *Escape attempts, especially failed ones |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | It's all in fun... |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | and never serious |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | It happens sometimesI like my fur where it is, thank you |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Honest mistake, I didn't mean to napOne life to live makes it hard to have fun later |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Who doesn't love an encore? |
Endo | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Always good fun with the right people |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I'm ill-equippedI'm better than batteries any day |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Never tried but I have ideasNot something I've spent much time inside |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | If cleanliness is godliness I prefer the divine experience |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | All or none with me |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Never found the appeal myself |
Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Stretchy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I love when you can see the prey... |
Realistic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | but the people who play this way get really creative |
Food Related | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | It's fully possible you might be part of the course |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Playful nips and teasing scratches |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | A good seducer makes this even more fun |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Some vore isn't sexual? You're quite sure? Really? |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I always have a spot for you close to my heartWhy yes, I do enjoy vore... |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | And I do love the strugglebut good prey should struggle and squirm |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Who doesn't like playing with toys? |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Sooo many things you can do for foreplay, or is that appetizer? |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Might just be I haven't met the right player |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | The sway, the shape, the taste, the sound... I could go on |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Never had a good experience but who knows? Gotta keep looking |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Fur on skin feels pretty nice |
Demi Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Very nice actually |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | But a little static never hurt anyone |
Non-Sentient Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | It's no fun if I can't banter |
Verbose Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I gotta have something to work with... |
Quick Posts | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | but 'long' isn't the same as 'good' |
Multi-Session | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | I have the worst time finishing these |
Grab and Gulp | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | And 'long' still isn't the same as 'good' |
Whisper | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | Go on. You can do eeeet! |