You know, when the world goes to hell, there's two things to do... panic and die, or adapt... and also die, but hopefully much later. You know, unless you get one of those mutations that pretty much prolongs your life indefinitely, barring grievous bodily harm, such as, for example, ventilation of your brainpan.
Amy didn't get so lucky, but, really, not many did. The lucky mutants are the ones with benign mutations, as opposed to, say, eight small arms that wave aimlessly at all times and grab the damnedest of things. Or, perhaps, a thirst for blood, and a hunger for flesh. Awkward, to say the least.
No, Amy lucked out in that regard. All she is is a cyborg... which is rather more than one might think. She's got a few optical implants she can activate or deactivate with a thought, a few medical implants to help her heal faster or to deal with chemical imbalances, spinal reinforcement, and, well, a mechanical prosthetic.
Now how, you may ask, did she manage this? Well, the thing is, aliens did it. Not that she knows that. She woke up one day with a splitting headache, an aching metal arm, some tingling pain in her spine, and an itch behind her eyeballs. Then there was this... chittering, which she somehow understood to mean 'Medical activation', and she started feeling better. Nothing more after that, aside from the occasional tingle in her right eye, which, let me tell you, is fucking weird.
Well, she had the option to go insane, or, well, deal with it. After an initial freakout, she came to accept her new condition, not really knowing the full extent of the modifications to her body. She was... reluctant, particularly considering that, the last time she remembered, she'd had a real arm. ... well, not that her prosthesis isn't real, but it's certainly not flesh and blood. The fact that it looks alien doesn't help her piece of mind, but she can't help that, and she can't really hate something that's part of her.
Even without her extra limb(though in fact needing it at least a little, as using a rifle with one arm is challenging), Amy would have had a fighting chance in this new world. For all her faults(far too many to list in this profile, I assure you), she was always a healthy girl. Good stamina, excellent speed, and a very strong will to survive, combined with some training in using various firearms, would serve her well in this lawless world. After all, there were many more people who'd do horrible things to her, if only they could. Do unto others before they do unto you became her motto.
Clad, now, in tattered blue jeans and a simple shirt(a men's button down, in fact, cause they're easier to find, and she prefers to have silk where at all possible), Over which she's layered what body armor she's managed to make or find, she's about as ragged as anyone else out there. The major difference in most cases is the fact that she's managed to keep herself somewhat clean. Still, there's often a bit of grime to her, just about... well, anywhere, on her tanned skin.
As for appearance, Amy stands about five feet four inches tall(give or take a little bit), with tanned skin from being perpetually outside, and a full head of ruddy hair. She's got all of her teeth, still, which is more than can be said of many residents of this new world, and both of her eyes are better than merely good, thanks to some tinkering aliens. They look natural, most of the time, and are a lovely shade of blue.
Her prosthetic right arm is the only glaring oddity to her. Nothing that's happened seems to damage it, and any damage it does incur seems to repair itself over a few days, at most. It's never really much of a detriment, either, but then, she's not lost it yet, has she? Who knows what'd happen then. The arm itself is clearly metallic, with all sorts of odd angles to it, looking almost like it's got some sort of exoskeleton over it... perhaps a hint as to the nature of the species which grafted it to her?
As for any other abilities... well, she doesn't know if she was changed in any other ways. Perhaps she was, perhaps she wasn't... we'll find out, though.
As far as weaponry goes, though, she keeps things simple. She has a lovingly maintained bolt-action rifle that fires 7.62mm rounds, with a scope that she usually doesn't have attached to it(carefully stowed in her pack, in fact), and a serviceable pistol(357 magnum). Not a revolver, simply because it's easier to reload quickly and has a bigger magazine. Still, she prefers to never need it. As well, knives, and her prosthetic arm is an excellent weapon in itself, as needed.