
Haruka, the younger of tsukiko, the second child of the clan tasked with keeping a demon in check, and the apple of their elders eyes. A incredible bar was set for her the moment she was born, she was the one without the demon inside of her, tsukiko was basicaally a lost cause to them, so she had to make up for her sister in every waay possible. ..Whiiiiiiiich didn't exactly help her develop quite well.
She in fact only through sheer, stupid pure luck has managed to live up to these expectations, she either has a four leaf clover embedded into her skull, or the god/goddess of fortune smiles upon her in her times of need, demon after demon she's slain by merely chance, luck, or a horrible accident, and the worst 'battle scar' she has to show for it all, is one across her nose at which a branch thwacked her rather violently. She of course said it was a demonic claw to save face but, her embarrassment is still there to this day.
She's a timid girl, who actually ran far more often than she stood and fought, only really attempting to defend herself when she was cornered, many a ninja likely would've fallen in 90% of the situations she's been through, but as said, shes ungodily lucky.
And quite disobedient, she's forbidden from seeing her sister due to 'danger' and stuff, and while the entire town shuns her, she only reluctantly does so-in public, who's to say she doesn't sneak out every now and then to pay a visit to her lonely sister?
Unlike said lonely sister, who's plagued with the issue of an enormous backside, Haruka's parents have given the girl strict disciplinary training to ensure that her body is in tip top shape and 100% less likely to get stuck crawling through small places.
Family Name: Fukui (福井)
Given Name: Haruka (晴香)
Race: Human
Age: 14
Birth Date: December 16th
Height: 4'10
Weight: 90 lbs
Blood type: O-
Hair colour: Brown
Hair length: Long, Straight, tied in to a ponytail
Eye colour: Green
Body type: Petite.