
This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.

((for sliders, go to CarGirls))

Hannah, like many of the other CarGirls, was part of an experiment-to make it so people could turn into cars and motorcycles, thus making it easier to get a ride and whatnot-why buy a car, when you can be a car? Hannah, sadly, had the same problem most of the other girls had-fuel issues. they needed to eat alot to allow themselves to shift their forms.

Hannah is the hotshot of the group, yet is more talk than actual action. the poor girl isnt too bright, and she is the weakest CarGirl, yet thinks shes all high and might-a quality that often gets her inside someone's belly.

((My Nayru Battle character!))

Well to start Hannah will most likely try to coax you into the car. Goes:
((Hannah (H) "holds" Opponent (O)>> O opens door >> O enters car >> O closes door >>H morphs, trapping O in stomach))

reverse (doesnt work if morphed):
((O opens door>>O exits car >> O closes door >> O starts to walk away, making Hannah transform and ends up held))

once held she is fairly easy to devour, and has two moves in human form:

Seduce-if being held or holding her opponent, she can try to seduce them. winning the roll and getting higher than 10 and less than 16 stuns you for 5 turns, rolling less than 10 yet still winning is a 3 turn stun. losing the roll at all results in a 3 turn stun for her.

Morph-if being held or holding her opponent, she can attempt to morph. if she rolls higher than a 16, she transforms to car form. if it is a fail, she is stunned for 3 turns.

^^^ both effects are automatic ^^^

Now if Hannah is in her car form she has another way to devour you.

((H hits O, knocking you down, doing 3 hp damage >> H rolls over O, trapping O under car >> H morphs, trapping O in her belly))

if trapped in her belly, you need a 16 or higher to escape into her thoat, then come out of her mouth (same as normal escaping)

If Hannah is facing a much larger opponent, say a giantess or something to large to fit within/under her carform, she can use her ability:

Flat Tire Rolls a dice-if even and higher than 8, opponent is rammed by Hannah, cutting a hole in their foot, making them deflate. they shrink to a normal size and is "held" by Hannah

Thats it for now, more to come later! maybe...