An alternate version of
a squid girl who arose from the abyssal region of the oceans to punish humanity for polluting the seas. However, her goal to do so was unfortunately thwarted by several humans that ran a beach house she was attempting to make her base of operations. The squid girl would remain oppressed here for a while before her plot to rid her presence of them finally came full circle. Lead to no other choice, and finding out that human flesh was actually quite tasty (thanks to the delusional Sanae Nagatsuki), "Ikamusume" devoured the humans who kept her from the goal she was sent to achieve but, as a result, an unforeseen 'change' began to occur. Having ingested human flesh and a great amount of it, Ikamusume's body 'evolved', so to speak, into a much more mature and rounded out figure. The evolution gave Ikamusume a significant boost in her abilities as well as several new ones, but most of all, the sentient squid has sense developed a gluttonous appetite for both seafood and human flesh. Her persona, however, still seems to remain as it were when she first surfaced, albeit she's slightly more domineering and power hungry (in more ways than one). Ikamusume is rather immature, despite her appearance, and can be quite impish towards others. However, do not underestimate her for the personality alone as she can be rather intelligent and a swift learner, able to master and replicate various things simply by watching or being subjected to them only once (hence how she has became an "apex predator", as she so calls it).
Ikamusume's abilities seem to range largely from full control of her dexterous hair tentacles to ink generation. However, since her evolution into (what some call a "Colossal Squid"), these attributes have increased in effectiveness and even gained new qualities. Her hair tentacles are now much more elastic and resilient to damage, regenerating when cut and having an increased range of how far they can stretch. The strength of these tentacles as also increased by a great amount, so much so, that wooden structures are entirely forfeit to their raw power. The ink Ikamusume can spew from her gullet has gained a corrosive property making it not only capable of blinding opposers but, also melting their flesh right from the bone. Ikamusume's ink can be much more potent if she has just had an especially large feast. Ikamusume's new abilities have yet to be shown in full display, however, she's exhibited having a more pronounced physiology towards squids and other cephlapods such as cuttlefish and octopi, her skin being able to change color at the blink of an eye. She seems able to transform into a much more monstrous second form as well, her appearance looking more squid-like than her humanoid shape. Ikamusume also boasts having a "100% Power" form aside from the one explained before as well. Oddly enough, Ikamusume seems to proliferate the growth of madness and insanity, something she claims she's had all along but wasn't 'adult' enough to truly spread it's influence.
So far, the area in and around the Lemon beach house has become a prime location for a deranged cult to hang out, their worship of the evolved squid girl being thanks to a hidden epitaph that refers to Ikamusume as "Daughter of the Old One". Whatever this means could point to something much more ominous in the near future...
An alternate Ikamusume fan character brought to you by the efforts of the
Circle_of_Jermod. God dammit, him and his impulsive alt making.
Out on the beach...which isn't -that- far from where she lives.