Daisy(サクラ Sakura)
sex: female
Hometown: Cerulean City
Region: Kanto
Family: Misty ,Lily ,Violet
Class: Gym Leader
Daisy is the elder sister of Cerulean City Gym. She dresses in glamorous outfits and loves shopping (similar to Lily). At first, she was fastidious and delicate, but in a battle of Pokemon Chronicles, she fought with Misty to defeat Team Rocket. Daisy doesn't like to fight so that the arrival of Ash to the gym meant a real "hassle" for her. She even nearly offered to give Ash his badge for him to leave without a fight. She is irresponsible and enjoys directing the actions they do in the gym. She's a show off in front of Misty and says she is the least stressed. Only time would show what she can do compared to her little sister, as she learns to fight like a real water Pokemon Gym Leader. She likes Ash, the first time they see him saying goodbye to "never change" and the second time he is greeted warmly, unlike Brock who she is indifferent towards.