violet(アヤメ Ayame )
age: 18
sex: female
Hometown: Cerulean City
Region: Kanto
Family: Misty ,Lily ,Daisy
Class: Gym Leader
Violet is a sister of Misty, the second oldest. Before the gym was a leader with her other sisters in Cerulean City, but at the end of the season decided to leave the gym to go to Johto to be a model and actress. Although being as crazy, and pretty as her sisters Lily and Daisy, she is the only one that remains, at times, down to earth and think clearly. Does not usually mess with Misty, while Daisy and Lily, in particular, do. You could say that after Misty, Violet is the most mature of the 4 sisters. She and Daisy and Lily form a trio, always doing things for people to see some way or another with stardom and fame, they always excluded Misty, but this does not mean they don't love her. More use of the gym that works for battles, reaching just want to give medals for not wanting to fight.
same as sisters.