version 1:

version 2:

misty(カスミ Kasumi)
Hometown: Cerulean City
Class: Gym Leader/Trainer
~ bio~
Her personality in the anime can be very complex at times. She can be very nice to her friends but will then quickly change moods in a short amount of time, particularly anger. She is quite proficient in anything having to do with water as can be seen in certain episodes where she has ability in fishing, swimming, and overall Water Pokémon training.
Eventually, after the Silver Conference in Johto, Misty's bike was repaired, le
misty in a kimono
Added by Animaltamer7aving Misty without an excuse to follow Ash around. Around this time, Misty's sisters call her to inform her that they are going on a world tour and need her back at the Gym. Even though she wanted to stay with Ash, Misty felt obligated to watch over the Gym. The two went their separate ways, and Misty became the official Gym Leader at Cerulean City's Gym.
In the series, Misty first is seen wearing a yellow tank top with red suspenders and light blue denim shorts. Her shoes were coloured red and white, with a yellow streak in the middle. In this costume, her midriff was showing, although her belly button is not drawn most of the time (it is, however, shown when she is wearing a bikini).
Misty's second costume is later shown after she meets up with the main group in Hoenn, after she had already left. Here she wears a yellow, sleeveless jacket with a blue collar, and a large blue button. She also wears short, form-fitting shorts that is connected to a crimson colored upper body piece, which may be a swimsuit. Her shoes are now light and burnt orange.
Misty and Togepi
Added by Lovelylisa125In Pokemon Chronicles, Misty is wearing a sleeveless yellow sweater and a blue shorts and a white belt and dark purple shoes.
~Hoenn and Beyond~
Misty was not featured as a character of the Advanced Generation and future series as a main character, only appearing in five episodes and in The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon, a 10th Anniversary special episode event. However, she is often a central character in the Shūkan Pokémon Hōsōkyoku, and Pokémon Chronicles. In one of her few appearances in the Advanced Generation series, her Togepi evolves into Togetic. Misty releases Togetic after it chooses to stay behind to defend the Mirage Kingdom. After Ash finishes competing in the Hoenn League, he returns home to Pallet Town to find Misty waiting for him. However, she isn't the only one to rejoin Ash, as May, Max, and Brock joins him as well for the Battle Frontier challenges. She travels with Ash for two episodes, and shortly after returns to her Gym. It was at first believed that she was going to return to the series in Pokemon: Best Wishes but this was proved false, though she may make a guest appearance, like she did in the Hoenn series & May appeared in the Diamond & Pearl series.
A bit of a tomboy, she has a slight inferiority complex, especially due to the fact that her three sisters Daisy, Lily, and Violet do not think much of her, claiming that there are only three Sensational Sisters (the name under which they perform synchronized swimming) and one "runt". This complex diminishes over time as Misty grows closer to Daisy. They are the ones who usually take care of the issues related to the Cerulean Gym, although it was Misty who battled Ash when he challenged the Gym to get his Cascade Badge. Showing that Misty is very responsible.
In the early episodes, Misty is depicted as having a quick temper, spoiled attitude, and a stubborn temperament. In the third episode, as she and Ash are traveling through Viridian Forest, she tells him (in response to his first Pokemon caught, Caterpie) that there are three things she hates most: carrots, peppers,
Nurse Joy suggest that two people fight all lot care about each other
Added by Lovelylisa125and bugs. As the series progresses, however, she gradually shows herself to be kind and sensible. She reins in Brock when he becomes enamored with cute girls, often pulling him away by the ear. She has a well hinted, secret crush on Ash and is terrified of most Bug-type Pokémon
Misty aims to be a world-class Water-type Pokémon trainer despite her sisters' ridicule. Her well-trained Pokémon reflect her aspiration. She admires the Ice-type trainer Lorelei.
When a Pokémon egg that Ash had been carrying in his backpack hatches, the new-born Pokémon Togepi chooses Misty as its "Momma". This causes Misty to take on a motherly role to Togepi, being virtually inseparable from it until its evolution. After it evolved, she released it into the Mirage Kingdom to protect other Togepi.
type: water/psychic
story:caught at Hophophop Town when Psyduck freely went into Misty's Pokéball
type: water/rock
story:Corsola was caught in episode The Corsola Caper after the gang found a bunch of Corsola for a family
story:Horsea was caught when the gang was trying to stop a giant Tentacruel from destroying a city.
type: water
story: none
Magikarp → Gyarados
Gyarados and Misty have a nice relationship at Cerulean Blues and when she appeared in Pokemon Advance Ash and everybody else was shocked of how she was controlling a Gyarados and she got over her fear of it.
type: water
type: water
story:Tracey gave Misty an egg and which ended up hatching into an Azurill after she released Togepi.
type: water
story:Misty's Goldeen is a Pokemon Misty caught in Kanto. It still resides with her in the Cerulean Gym. Goldeen is one of Misty's favorite Pokemon
Poliwag → Poliwhirl → Politoed
type: water
story:Misty's Politoed is one of Misty's Pokémon that she caught in Kanto. It evolved from Poliwhirl in "The Totodile Duel" when it accidentally touched a King's Rock, causing it to evolve. It currently resides in the Cerulean Gym with Misty.
~ rps ideas~
(please notice the chemical burns left by the muck)

(Misty the toilet)

("umm some privacy please!")