"Picture?? you think I would let
You?!? Take a picture of me????!"
Age- 19
~Gylria is a proud proud girl. She stands at 5' 7 and is fairly slim. Her figure is a more streamline figure but she can't fly. Her chest is gifted with 40E cup breasts. The top of her head is covered with actual azure hair and green streaks. Her hair only goes straight down the back of her head to her neck where it curves up naturally. Among the green streaks are several blackish feather like plumes. Her eyes are a glossy black and around her eyes is a ring of white makeup. Her lips are regular pink flesh color with a line of purple down the middle where they separate. Her thighs are equal to her chest giving her a slight hourglass form. But what's under it is one of the two things that make her so proud. She was given both parts.. She has a cock that is 9 inches long when fully excited, and in between her legs lies her lady bits. Both are used often and a lot. Her feet are kinda different in that they have a yellow sheen to them, and where her toes should be are sharp talons. And then laying on her back is her piece de resistance.. It may look like a curved feline's tail at first. But when it spreads open she reveals a sparkling and mesmerizing ((emphasis on that)) peacock tail that spans to cover her whole body. Covered with metallic looking feathers shining blue, green, yellow, and brown.
For those of you too lazy to read the in depth description here
Height- 5'' 7
Chest- 40E
Eyes- Black
Hair- Azure with green streaks
Length- 7 1/2
Her lifestyle- being the proud girl she is, she thinks she is privileged to anything and everything, and will take and do it no matter what anyone says. The same goes for the opposite when she owns something she gets very territorial of her "possessions" and will act childish and jealous and maybe even violent when things go a different way then what she wanted. She is very- very open and lost her virginity at age 16.. And since then there has been no turning back. She will lust after many and all if it pleases her~ So watch out.
Jewelry- She wears it a lot of it
Two spiral gold earring with an emerald embedded in each one.
A set of 7 golden arm bracelets on her upper arm.
A sapphire and ruby ring
Clothing- Uh guess this is important
A bright blue top and and blue skort
Pred capabilities- One as proud as her would never be caught sliding inside an orifice and vanishing from sight. That doesn't mean she can't be caught. But that being said she is fairly versatile in ways of consumption.
Oral- umm duh
Cock- simple again.
Unbirth- but not for much safety she isn't a motherly figure.. so most likely you will melt.
Anal- No limits there.
Tail- This one is interesting she will wrap you up in her peacock tail and digest you right in there. its not a normal tail thats for sure.
Ugh Too Lazy to spend all the time dragging them to one hundred... let me say this now.. I will play anything and everything alright?
A role by