You know how there's all those stories about evil witches? Kidnapping children to eat them, princesses to hold a kingdom hostage, type of thing?
.... Gwenny's not one of those.
See, there's a LOT more witches out there than just the bad ones, but it's only the bad ones you ever hear about. Not fair at ALL, right? So when Gwenny tells someone she's a witch, and they round up an angry mob, it's because a few bad apples spoiled the bunch, in the eyes of the common folk.
Gwenny's not like them at ALL, though! And, well, she'll be the first to tell you! After all, it's not like she eats children(and digests them... sometimes she'll nom friends), and it's not like she blights the crops of a whole town(I mean, really!). She just goes along, looking for new things to learn! But then, that's what a Book Witch does. And, as her name might suggest, she does have a book with her, at all times.
Really, it's what defines her. Book Witch. She's got a book that she uses to store her magic, keep her knowledge, and generally make her way across the multiverse with. Everything she learns winds up in the book, and she can use it to get to new places, or borrow things from stories, so long as she has it handy. She can also use it to cast spells, understand different languages, and generally, well, keep on keeping on. It's how she reforms if she dies, as well. You know, so long as nothing bad happens to it. Naturally, she regards the book as more important than her body... because, well, it is!
And, really, it's a hell of a book. Thick, leather-bound, and held shut with a silvery cord, it's definitely got some heft to it. However, it's not as heavy as it SHOULD be. When she opens it, there's FAR more pages than should fit! It's like it's bigger on the inside... but that makes sense. After all, it holds a LOT of information!
The girl herself, though, seems to be a bit... well, normal. She's five feet and one inch tall, and slender, with long, hime-cut, medium blue hair. Perched on her nose is a pair of glasses that are, perhaps, a bit on the silly side, being simple, rounded things, magnifying her purple eyes. She tends to wear a school uniform, of sorts, as a matter of course. A simple, floofy white shirt, with a school tie around her neck, a medium-length, blue pleated skirt, and stockings coming up to her knee, or just above, with simple tennis shoes on her feet. After all, she walks a LOT.
As for her personality... meet her, and find out!
It is worth noting, though, that she has a
Sketchy Friend and a
Cool Big Sis, though.