
It's Gwen! An insatiable eater who spends her free time trying to make music and doing silly MSPaint doodles of herself. This gothy glutton prides herself on being a little chubby, and any time someone says she should behave otherwise just serves to inspire her more, whatever may come from that~. If you're lucky, you might be able to collaborate with her on a song, although that might mean her sampling those particularly interesting gurgles into a synth, or crediting you for feeding her during a production session.. IMAGE SPAM sorry

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike this website is a fucking nightmare
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike classic!
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike could be fun!
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike typically how stuff goes!
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike probably just for friends
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike classic!
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike newly interested, wowow!!
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike fun!
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike yum!
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike magic isn't real! well, not really. the goth has a suppressive aura on her that, due to being such a typical human, otherworldly effects are absorbed or diffused as they come in contact with gwen. she may also turn a spellcaster's mana pool into pure chub...
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike either or!
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike either or, again!
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ...yup!
Female Partner Always/Love
Cleavage Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike love it!
eating your phone Always/Love
Never/Dislike my trademark over the years tbh
Belches / Burps Always/Love
Never/Dislike one of the most fun things for me!
Accidental Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike whoops!
Facesitting Always/Love
Never/Dislike smush!~