"you there! busty woman! it is imperative that you purchase me and put me on! for the good of the universe!"

"Synchronize your heart with mine!"
This sweater comes from an unknown plane of existence, having come forth after it's home was destroyed under mysterious circumstances. In it's old realm, it may have been a different being, but here, it is a sweater...immobile and empty, only capable of communicating through least until a woman puts it on.
You see, the sweater is a form of Symbiotic being, capable of great feats of energy when it's energy resonates through a woman's heart....and through her bosom... you see, the Sweater can create great amounts of power as long as it's Psi waves can resonate through an organic chest, to the heart, and back out again...the longer the distance between heart and sweater, the greater time this power resonance has to charge...Meaning the bigger the breast, the greater the power bestowed. The sweater, when put on will immediately posses the woman, so as to protect her with it's superior years of training and combat expertise... it's 'host's' body will be bestowed with strength, speed, and agility equal to the size of their breasts, meaning the bustiest of women could punch through a tank and toss a human to the moon! of course, it posseses other techniques
Nyūhakushoku no iyashino-ha: The sweater triggers lactation in a womans bosom, the milk will bestow regenerative powers on whoever drinks it.
Mune no ma no sunpō kara hi: This uses the power of the Sweater to open up an invisible dimensional window in the womans this the sweater can trap or summon anything in its pocket dimension...Missiles- Extra hosts! as long as they can shove it between the bountiful bosom, it is their to keep and use later.
Shibō pawāappu: The sweater breaks down anything the woman has eaten into more fat for the breasts, providing her with a considerable power up.
Kyūkyoku no kibarashi: The Sweater immediately renders any human staring at their breasts unconscious, good for keeping innocents out of the way of evil aliens.. when rendered unconcious, one will most likely dream about big breasts.
Kanzen waisetsu bīmu: The current ultimate technique of the Sweater, it's finishing move involves pulling the cleavage window open entirely, the act of indecency triggering a massive laser beam to emanate from it's chest.
Oppai setsuzoku: sometimes the Sweater can learn entirely new techniques from posessing a unique woman, perhaps a fragment of their magical powers, or something hidden deep within their soul all along.
When the sweater is separated from a host, it's personality will consist of mad telepathic begging for busty women who pass by it to put it on so it can save 'This universe and all adjacent to it"...when posessing a woman, it's personality is that of a dead serious warrior, even the poutiest, cutest face will be turned into a dead serious glare...It is quite oblivious to human culture, and as such may make a fool of itself when trying to 'blend in'. It tends to use overly technical language when speaking, except for when it speaks of knows almost every euphemism for 'boob' under the sun and all over suns, and almost seems to be showing off, using them constantly. It usual shows some level of care for its host, however, it does form greater bonds with some than others. When it sees a busty woman in public, they will usually be subject to extreme gropes, the sweater 'testing it for potential...' more often than not, that girl will end up between the bosom of it's current host, being kept as a 'spare host'.
The sweater fights all sorts of evil, despising evildoers in all their forms...but it has two great is the only other remaining great that reveals the rear instead of the chest, and bases it's power off the stomach instead of the heart...when ever these two meet while in host bodies, expect an epic duel that ends with one host either between breasts or ass cheeks....a prize for the victor, leaving the loser upon the ground, folded neatly. The other is the Great race of Past-ee. A race of beings taking the form of 3 small objects per 'single being' designed to cover both nipples and the vulva...making a woman lewd at the sacrifice of her warmth and personality... An unforgivable crime to the sweaters, who believe that one should be warm and comforted, as well as lewd....of course there's also the whole 'assimilating the universe thing the Past-ee's have going on.. an invasion of these creatures might even result in both great sweaters possessing a single woman.. causing a mighty, powerful being to emerge.
The pocket dimension, for those who want to now is essentially a gigantic, endless cleavage, soft and comforting...squishing the trapped from all sides.
Alt of Vivian_James