While her Pokemon half from the waist up to the top of her head is only 4 feet tall but her white spider body is 8 feet round. And with her eight needle thin spider legs she stands another 2 feet off of the ground from the bottom of her spider body. Her entire body is milky white with only her spider legs and her normal arms are emerald green.
Her pokemon body is very anthro/humanoid. She she has five hand fingers. She had green hair like a normal Gardevoir and she still has the normal Gardevoir horn.
She also has two mega breasts that reach down past her hips with was 2ft wide. Her mega white breasts are also four feet round with mega green nipples on top.
She holds a sniper rifle on her back.
This Gardevoir drider used to be a plain Gardevoir but due to some issues, she was saved by being fused with a spider when Rosalina’s used her daughters milk to fuse her with a spider.
Due to the fact that she is part spider she is capital of making webs but these kinds are not normal silk. It’s a psychic infused silk strings that are sharper and harder than diamonds with she pills the web with psychic energy.
She wearing a back cargo base vest with countless pockets but she has it unzipped to show off her naked milky breasts. She also has a black belt around her waist with all kinds of sniper rifle ammo.
Headstrong, rebellious, tends to swear and kind of perverted yet pretty controlled.
She has insanely strong psychic powers and can read minds with mind. Lift others in the air, teleport etc. But the biggest thing is that she can crreate bullet's of different effect of purre psyshic energy, this can make the prey's limbs go numb to putting them to sleep or even metalying frying their minds.
Right not the only friend she has is an emmployer Alice from The Costume Shop.
Unlike most driders, a Gardevoir Drider, don't not have a spinneret. Instead, all other their silk or webbing is created psychically. Their wombs are also in the spider half and not the human body with the pussy to the womb behind right at the female’s hips where the spider half and Gardevoir waist up met.
She is a part of a RP Universe that myself and Ziana are making. She also cannot be RP cannon caught by another Pokemon trainer. Hard stop on that topic.
An alt of Nightmare49Alts
Yes, Grace is only a Predator.
No Grace is only a Predator.
It's one of my favorite so i am more than willing.
Grace is only Predator.
No Grace is only a Predator
I am willing to do it.
No Grace is only a Predator.
It's one of my favorite so i am more than willing.
Grace is only Predator.
It's one of my favorite so i am more than willing.
Grace is only Predator.
It's one of my favorite.
No Grace is only a Predator.
Not into it.
She's Predator Only.
add text.
add text.
add text.
Other than vore, this is a huge thing for me
Second to Breast expansion
Once i found this. I just got hooked. WSo its where a guy's nuts would be replaced by breasts or a girl having breasts for butt cheeks.
If they canty be bigger then lets have more.
Enjoyed a lot.
Damn this goes with my breast expansion and breast vore.
NO! This wrecks the whole thing and i'll drop the RP right then.
Not my thing
NO! This wrecks the whole thing and i'll drop the RP right then.
Sure I can work with this.
Now this is fun to work with.
Perfered over micro's.
I perher them over males a little more.
Not my thing but I can work with them.
My main kind of partner choice.
Yes i fine those that as driders, naga to be sixy so yes to these players, Just no Centaurs, slug gils/men, cowgirls, snall girls/men.
Ehh no. Not my thing.
Ehh, not my thing uless they are really humanoid with plant traits.
NO MLP, pony's, or horses! Pokemon are different so talk to me.
Rather not as where is the fun in that?