Celuna is a part of
I'm currently looking for RPs where Celuna can gain priestesses and servants, and perhaps eat some demons or other people messing up her realm.
I'm open to almost any form of RP, though - detailed and story based, or quick and lewd.
Both of these images belong to and were drawn by me.

Height: 190 cm or above. Often around 30 meters when interacting with mortals.
Age: ageless.
Power level: Great indeed.
Celuna is a goddess of lust and love. Though she is immortal, she is not quite omnipotent - but she is powerful enough that for most purposes, it makes no matter. This is doubly true within her own domains of lust and love.
In her world, deities need to spend most of their time taking a physical form, or they will slowly begin to fade away. It is perhaps no surprise that Celuna spends much of her time visiting night clubs, frequently resulting in them turning into veritable orgies. However, she also embodies the protective and caring aspects of love, and the majority of her time is actually spent seeking out the troubled and lonely, helping them work out their problems - whether by just talking, by showering her affection on them, or sometimes also using her powers to heal scarred minds.
The canonical version of Celuna is mostly a nice goddess and tends to be respectful towards mortals. She will rarely digest people fatally, and never without good reason - such as her victim posing a threat to reality if left alive. She does take willing sacrifice - those who are honored so are devoured, and their souls are absorbed into that of Celuna to become one with her - or are pulled to her after-life realm to live in eternal bliss. However, I'm also open to playing her as a cruel goddess, although such will be non-canonical RPs.
For my preferences, check out Predatory_Alts!