
Middle-aged woman that has very light-blonde hair, Glynda Goodwitch seems to have a very stern and sharp personality - one that does not tolerate mischief or getting into any dangerous situations. However, admit when people might have done the right thing, despite the fact they put the lives of others in great danger, including themself. Otherwise, she is mainly seen as cool and business-like; even her fighting is very systematic.
She seems to be a very judgmental person who assesses others based on her own personal impressions rather than actual data.
Being a huntress, Glynda seem to using a riding crop that likely doubles as some sort of wand in her fight against opponents. Using this weapon, Glynda can generate a wide variety of techniques through the use of Dust. It also is shown being used to create an energy shield to protect people from the explosion of a Dust crystal. She frequently uses her crop as an instrument to focus her Semblance, telekinesis.
Her skills with the crop are shown again when she fixed the entire cafeteria after the food fight in "Best Day Ever." Despite it being a large mess, with tables stacked up and food scattered around everywhere, Glynda was able to fix the entire situation with a single wave of her weapon. It is notable that she does this all, seemingly, without effort.


Cinder Fall has black hair and bright(nearly glowing) amber eyes, she is imperious and cunning, with a touch of cruelty. Usually, she maintains a calm and collected demeanor, and is willing to take over a fight if necessary. Although she refers to her partnership with Roman as "cooperation," it is obvious that she has the upper hand, as she very quickly makes an implicit, and not very subtle, threat to Roman by conjuring a fireball in her hand.
Cinder also seems to be ambitious and demanding, stating that she has "big plans" for people, and is willing to enlist the White Fang to achieve her goals by any means necessary. Often, she is very direct on the matter at hand, this is shown when she quickly jumps to Roman's failure of robbing a cargo hold of Dust.
She doesn't seem to tolerate failure, preferring for her goals to be successful regardless of the situation. Cinder also prefers that such problems be solved quickly, and is seen to give very direct orders, and doesn't like when she is disobeyed.
When it comes to planning, Cinder is very secretive, keeping others on a strict need-to-know basis. Cinder is shown to be an excellent planner as well, often planning ahead to keep her goals in reach, and is also confident in her plans. When it comes to fighting, she is seen to be quite confident, having attacked Atlas soldiers and Ruby head on.
She wears a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck minidress with yellow designs. There is a blue feather-like accessory on her right hip, at the top of an open portion of her dress. The dress ends in an upside-down triangular tail in the back, ending just above the knees.
When undercover at Beacon, Cinder is seen wearing the uniform of Haven Academy, a more conservative dark gray outfit with a long-sleeved collared top and white armband.
During her infiltration of the Cross Continental Transmit Tower, Cinder is shown wearing a black infiltration outfit, which she had previously sewn together. The outfit consists of a sleeveless jacket, long gloves, stiletto heel boots, a black glass mask, and several straps with containers of powdered dust lined across her pants. When using Dust, designs on her gloves, boots, and pants glow bright orange. When needed, Cinder can instantly transform her infiltration attire into a formal black evening gown that has black glass designs on it.
Cinder possesses a high degree of skill that rivals, or even surpasses, that of Glynda Goodwitch. She seems to have a strong command over Dust, where she makes extensive use of fire based abilities without difficulty. Her primary technique seems to be a highly forceful blast of fire, which is powerful enough to block and knock back some of Glynda's manipulated debris.
Cinder's capabilities also include summoning pillars of fire that erupt from the ground, as well as a powerful blocking technique, easily capable of withstanding Crescent Rose's bullets. This blocking technique may be Aura based, as it strongly resembles a technique used by Lie Ren, but this is unconfirmed.
Noticeably, some of her abilities emit a high-pitched whistling sound when cast. Her eyes seem to glow brighter whenever she uses her abilities. This could be attributed to her use of Dust-related abilities.
Of note was her ability to wield and manipulate Dust in battle, transforming a cloud of dust she'd previously dispensed into several shards of ice, or glass, which she proceeded to launch as projectiles. She is even able to conjure a Dust-based pair of dual black glass, possibly obsidian, sword constructs and then seamlessly transform them into a bow with a series of black glass arrows ready to fire.
She is quite skilled in both unarmed combat and swordsmanship, Cinder has shown to be quite stealthy as well, having sneaked past behind a guard to easily knock him out. She is also seen to be skilled enough in infiltrating places without getting caught and using the advantages given to herself to blend in, escaping her pursuers from the CCT, and using the dance to instantly lose them.
She also seems to be skilled in manipulating people, having infiltrated Beacon Academy along with her partners Mercury and Emerald without raising suspicion to herself, and having others believe her to be from Haven Academy. However, it is unknown if anyone knows about her affiliation with the criminal world.