This is Glen. She's an experienced pokemon trainer who currently sticks to the old fashioned feral pokemon, though if found she wouldn't hesitate to catch any pokegirls, or anthro pokemon.
She's gone threw every known region of the pokeworld and has put together a team that she considers to be one of the best ever found (Though it can be beaten like anything)
The pokemon she has with her is Blastoise. She calls him Mr. Bubbles in reference to Bioshock and the fact that he blew a lot of bubbles as a squirtle.
Level: 91
He's one of the few males in the group.
Haunter has been with her for a long time too, but she is too scared to trade her and evolve her into a gengar, so Haunter she shall remain forever. Her nickname is Shade because it sounds mysterious, and Shade grants Glen with shade while in the sun so she doesn't get burnt.
Level: 86
dream eater
Ninetales and her daughter are both old and new additions to the party. Ninetales (Aka Flamey) was just a vulpix when Glen caught her but now she's a ninetales with a baby who was hatched just a few days ago.
Levels: 82 and 5
Flame charge, ember
Attract, same
flamethrower, tackle
Flame wheel, growl
These are the only two who actually came to Glen to be caught. They had been in love for a long time and wanted the security of a good trainer, so they found Glen one day while she was swimming with what was at the time a squirtle and decided to join her. They are the oldest and strongest of her pokemon, but not the most dependable.
Levels: 100
Surf, Winewhip
Sing, Leaf Blade
Attract, same
sweet kiss, same
Lapras is the newest caught addition to the group. He was lonely and swimming along beside Glen, trying to get her attention just for play, not intending to get caught. She gave him the attention, being very sweet and everything. He now follows her around everywhere, not really belonging to her but might as well.
Level: She doesn't know
Moves: Again, not sure.
All her pokemon are vore capable, but she is not. Whether they're safe is variable depending on the pokemon you're eaten by.
Rp wants:
To find and catch more pokemon...or girls who she can dress as pokemon.
Pokemon caught (Other players)
Leilana_Aldridge (Arcanine)
Lina_Lynx Luxray (Slutgirl)
A lopunny played by a player on many alts.