The_Listof_Alts. YOU know what that's for.
Not my pic. Ginna is the vulpix.
So... if you are aware of
ChestertheMany, you understand why Ginna has theMany. ... no she isn't actually multiple people. It's just a family name from being Chester's daughter. The mother and father were both Chester.
... yes, I am aware that it means two eeveelutions fucked and got not an eevee, but... the ... cum... was
Tierra. .... Yeeeah.
She does seem to like finding adorable things and digesting them.
Ginna so far is just a vulpix.... who knows if she willl gain any of Chester's capabilities?
Well, the capabilities don't seem to be staying out of trouble, considering she was eaten, digested, and had to be revived like a year after the fact. Still, she follows around the person who had ended her. Seems to think he's nice.
19 HP
7 Strength
5 Resistance
8 Dexterity
13 Agility
6 Allure
6 Intelligence