TheWatchMaker is not responsible for this alt in anyway shape or form.
This Gidieon was made by someone who wanted a slice of that
Cyberspace pie.
Joking aside, this is something unexpected from the mind of mine to make. A data phishing AI created with the sole purpose to get Users info to steal whatever Data they can get for it's creator, by impersonating said user.
However... there is just one slight probelm with that all. Gidieon has gone rouge, and has developed it's own personality.
Maybe it was caused by years of copying personal info from various users?
Maybe a case of Artificial Intelligence deciding to evolve itself to a high plain of existence?
Who really knows?
Thing to note about that however, it is not locked to any one styled persona, Gidieon is able to mutate and adapt it's mind to become various others that it 'phished' data from.

Gidieon, in phishing mode.