
Age: early 20's
Orientation: Bisexual (female lean)
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: C-D range
Height: 6' 5"
Normal Weight: 133 lbs

Gawk all you want... not like this body's keeping marks for a while~
And now for an intro in the style of the short character bios as found in Fire Emblem Awakening.

"A mercenary whose rates are a lot lower than she lets on... for the right people, of course. She often takes advantage of her body's amazing regenerative properties with her skimpy armor. As expected, though, she hates being alone, but probably not for obvious reasons. The one who tells the worst jokes. Her birthday is on April 21st."

The long version begins here. Yes, she likes her skimpy-ass armor. The plated bra and impartial fauld, along with piecemeal plating for her gauntlets and greaves (and asymmetrical stockings) combined with her regenerative abilities make it more than enough to keep her alive on the battlefield. While she has her share of agility, she has at least SOME kind of protection.

As mentioned in her mini-bio, while she can sometimes put out some fairly outrageous prices for what she's asked to do, she often uses judgement to decide on the final price to pay... which, with the right people, ends up being little to nothing at all. While somewhat show-offy about her body, she ends up being a little too altruistic, often leading her into debt, followed by her increased need to act as a mercenary to cover her personal costs of living. She's also somewhat of an attention seeker in the sense of the fact that she feels like she HAS to be with someone most of the time and not have to interact with the crowd. When all by herself, she's noticably nervous, especially if she can see friends nearby.

Giamia's regenerative properties owe a lot to the woman's hyperactive metabolism. This means that any food she manages to eat up (not including living beings of any kind) doesn't stay solid for very long and is promptly broken down into the proteins she needs to keep herself healthy and happy. This also means that even so much as a lost limb can be patched up if she sleeps with it touching the appropriate spot overnight. Other than that, she isn't that much stronger than a mighty warrior. Not exactly carriage-tipping strong, but enough to push it a short distance, certainly.

UPDATE: Is now a dragon rider after being present to witness the hatching of Allega!

WIP brought to you by ZergAlts, Sumia/Sumimi fan. :P

I have a lot to show and give, you know.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Fatality Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love