”Oh, I’m sorry, looking for someone?
RageShadey chuckles from behind the desk in the office where you would have normally found her. “She’s taking a rather... permanent vacation.“ He pauses to stroke the chin of a huge white python that hangs lazilly from the shelf behind him. ”I’m putting
Miss_Mildred here in charge of this joint in her absence. What is it that you need?” You notice a jar of milky, gel-like fluid on a shelf, and suspended inside it, a broken but nonetheless recognizeable pair if glasses. You feel it’s in your best interest to excuse yourself from the room, after all, if Georgiana couldn’t escape him, it’s likely no one can.
The following is no longer applicable to the afforementioned jar of cum.~
Status: White Goo
Name: Georgiana Pegg
Age: 35-50, no one knows for sure.
Profession:(former)Night manager and majority owner at
Important updates: Georgiana was temporarily stripped of her power and authority by
Derieri7DS in a gamble of wit, but as luck would have it, an untimely and sticky end befell the mighty demoness, freeing Georgiana from her servitude.
A no-nonsense businesswoman, Ms. Pegg sees her dancers only as commodities to be bought or sold. Having started as a dancer when the club first opened, she clawed her way to the top, digesting anyone who stood in her way. Now that she runs the club, she keeps a very tight ship. All of her dancers must bring in money, even if it means they go straight from the reformer back out to the stage several times in one night. She keeps the keys to the machine, and which employees are reformed each night is at her discretion. Underperforming employees are in constant peril of being ‘fired’ this way, and even top preformers fear getting on her bad side. She’s been known to sell the reformation rights of even her best dancers for the right offer. A perfect example of this is when Alexis_Player made an offer she couldn’t refuse for
Kathy_Juniper’s body and soul. Kathy had been the highest-ranked dancer, consistantly on time and liked by all her coworkers, but it made no difference to her boss, who took the player’s money and doomed young Kathy to a fleshy grave. There is no shortage of preysluts in this line of work.
All of her employees either fear or respect her, yet few have had intimate relations with her. She’s greedy when it comes to her own hunger, and prefers her prey to submit to an eternal fate as her nourishment. Every few months, some naive man or woman will fall in love with her dashing beauty and shrewd personality, only to become a permanent addition to her curvaceous form.
(Complete preferences at