Contained under Zephs_Alts. Come check out the others!
The Fairies of Gensokyo are unusual beings: eternally mischievous and childish, they are usually thought of as quite weak, but their apparent power is deceiving. All fairies are in fact embodiments of some aspect of nature. So long as nature continues to exist, so too shall fairies, who always resurrect from whatever 'death' may befall them.
Thanks to the vast variety of nature, especially as seen within Gensokyo, fairies come in all shapes, sizes, and even levels of power, from the anonymous girls who fall from a single hit and up to the most well-known fairy of them all: Cirno, who will be touched on later.
This account can fill a number of purposes for RP, from providing a mass of disposable fairies to any specific individual for the purposes of vore, sex, combat, romance, or simple slice-of-life.
Specific Varieties:
These girls form the bulk of the population of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Accounts vary as to whether they actually get any work done, or if Sakuya simply handles most tasks during an extended time-stop. A little older in appearance than the fairies found outside, they're also a little more responsible and mature, but remain just as weak. Those pictured represent only a small fraction of the fairies residing within Koumakan.
Despite their appellation, Zombie Fairies are merely normal fairies who dress up for the purpose of helping out the Kasha, Kaenbyou Rin. The Hell-Cat could not use her spellcard 'Cursed Sprite "Zombie Fairy"' without these girls playing along.
Tougher than the typical fairy but still far from unusual, Sunflower Fairies love not only sunflowers but all varieties of flowers. They are sometimes seen helping Kazami Yuuka in her field, or perhaps they are the fairies of the field.
Notable Individuals:
With a name meaning 'Greater Fairy' or 'Big Fairy' it is to be expected Daiyousei be not only more powerful than average fairies, but also more mentally mature in many cases, especially when compared to her close friend, Cirno, whom we are still getting to. Also, she may or may not be a little more mature in an *ahem* physical manner.
What? No, I swear I wasn't hugging Cirn-AGHHH!
The herald of spring in Gensokyo, Lily White is endlessly cheerful, spreading her joy with an exclamation of "It's Spring!" wherever she goes (Sometimes including danmaku) Some people claim to have seen the snow melting and flowers blooming at her approach, leading them to thinking she may be the embodiment of spring itself.
Residents of Gensokyo debate whether Lily Black is an alternate persona to White, an entirely different person, or just White dressed in black (Zun says she's just dressing up as Shiki Eiki). She might have a somewhat darker, more aggressive personality than White.
Childish as she and other fairies are, Cirno doesn't always think to put on clothes. Well this is unexpected. Cirno's unusual nature stretches the traditional understanding of what a fairy can be. This more mature form is more a one-of-a-kind youkai than a fairy. A shrunken Cirno dropped in a drink is sure to get it ice cold.
The strongest known fairy in Gensokyo. She is childish, known for not being terribly bright, and is a physical embodiment of cold (hugging her is a good way to cool off on a hot summer day). Shiki Eiki, the Yama of Gensokyo, has noted that her power may be close to making her something entirely new from a fairy.
Still to Come: Star Sapphire, Sunny Milk, Luna Child.